Tag: MountainView Bridge Club

MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg The MountainView Bridge Club now meets in MountainView’s Catalina Room on Friday afternoons at 1 p.m. If you need a partner or further information, contact JoAnn Aiken at [email protected] or 520-256-2702. Our website is www.bridgewebs.com/mountainview. This group of duplicate players always welcomes players of all abilities. It’s a great way to sharpen your…

MountainView Bridge Club News

Ann Kuperberg It was nice to see the new residents, Larry and Lee Vucovich, play at the MountainView game in late July, and they won master points as well. New faces are always welcome. The MountainView Bridge Club has games every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in MountainView’s Catalina Room. Bring your own water and mask. For…

MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg Congratulations to Cam Mette and his team for placing in the North American Online Bridge Championship. He proves that playing online can be rewarding. Local clubs had special games for The Longest Day event at the end of June, contributing money for Alzheimer research. Since the MountainView Bridge Club opened, there have been…

MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg The MountainView Bridge Club is now open. Games are held every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in MountainView’s Catalina Room. Bring your own water and mask. For further information, contact club president JoAnn Aiken at 520-256-2702 or [email protected], or visit our website at www.bridgewebs.com/mountainview. With summer flowers in bloom, we can enjoy the scenery as we…

MountainView Bridge Club

We can picture ourselves traveling and sitting at a cafe after playing bridge.

Ann Kuperberg Mother’s Day was more subdued this year, since many of us chose not to have large gatherings. Instead, we might look forward to traveling this summer, hoping more people will be vaccinated and sightseeing will resume. Luckily, we have online bridge games to occupy us every day. They stimulate those brain cells and give…

MountainView Bridge Club News

April showers bring May flowers while bridge players stare at their computer screens.

Ann Kuperberg Congratulations to Paul Rizza on reaching the Silver Life Master level and to Sue Bush for becoming a Bronze Life Master while playing bridge online. Bridge Base Online tries to encourage players to compete in special events every month, including some where you can earn Gold points. The cost is minimal and the…

MountainView Bridge Club

Jasmine in bloom, an entry to spring

Ann Kuperberg Spring is in the air, which means our weather is warming up. If we’re playing bridge online, the change will not affect us, except bring more heat into our homes and the view of flowering shrubs from our windows. One of the fun aspects of playing online is meeting people from all over…

MountainView Bridge Club

Royal hearts wish the bridge players good luck.

Ann Kuperberg Congratulations to Ed Helpert on reaching the Gold Life Member status and to Midge Miller on becoming a Bronze Life Member, both while playing bridge online. We can’t hug them, but the good wishes are there. It’s nice to see our SaddleBrooke bridge players succeeding in the confines of their homes. Many of…

MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg As we welcome the New Year, we remember Eric Vonderheid, a SaddleBrooke bridge player who passed away. He was a lovely, gentle man who always had a ready smile at the bridge table. When we return to the MountainView game, there will be an empty space that he once occupied. In the meantime,…

MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg Christmas is coming and many of us will not be sharing the holiday with family and friends. Next year will be better, with a vaccine available, and a safer time to travel. However, we don’t have to mope with good duplicate bridge games online every hour of the day. If we can’t sleep, we can…