Tag: Golf

MountainView – Preserve Couples Golf for June

Dan Hoshino The June tournament for the MountainView-Preserve Couples Golf will be on Saturday, June 8, 2019, at the Preserve Golf Course. It will be an 8:00 a.m. shotgun start; and the format will be a four-person, multiple best ball event; couples may pick their foursome. Players must sign-up on the ForeTees system by June…

MountainView-Preserve Couples Golf for May

Dan Hoshino The May tournament for the MountainView-Preserve Couples Golf will be on Saturday, May 11, 2019, at the MountainView Golf Course. It will be an 8:00 a.m. shotgun start; and the format will be a two-person, one best ball event. Players must sign-up on the ForeTees system by May 5, 2019. Tournament results will…

Monday Mixers… continuing the fun

Nicholas Mares Monday Mixers is a great way to meet your SaddleBrooke neighbors! Monday Mixers is open to any SaddleBrooke resident. You don’t need to be a couple, just someone interested in meeting others and having fun! Putting is Mondays at 3:30 p.m. Practice starts at 3:00 p.m. For additional information contact the Truesdales at…

It went right in the hole

Jim Donat January 20 was a beautiful day and a great day to take a walk through the neighborhood. One of our visitors who hails from Australia took the opportunity to walk the MountainView neighborhood. As he rested his 92-year-old legs on the bench near the par 3, 13th hole of MountainView, he didn’t realize…

SBWGA-18 crowns new Club Champion

  Marsha Camp Our Club Championship is the most prestigious tournament of the year. Some of the more serious players actually practice in order to be number one. The rest of us just try to beat our own scores. This year our tournament was reduced to two days, due to rain, and lots of it.…

Lee Leksell adds to the 2019 hole-in-one list

Jim Donat Lee was inspired. After witnessing a hole-in-one in his foursome only a couple of weeks ago, Lee added his own name to the 2019 list. It’s a short list so far, but it continues to grow. Lee was golfing with his wife Denise and Denise’s sister and husband on the MountainView golf course.…

Fun Across the Brooke

Dian Kupper The SaddleBrooke Niners and the MountainView/Preserve Niners hold an Across the Brooke tournament each year. This is a great tournament as it provides an opportunity for a fun competition and socialization between the two clubs. This year the SaddleBrooke Niners hosted this event on February 12. A combined count of ninety-two ladies played…

Jim Donat records his first hole-in-one

Jim Donat How cool is this? As the new Publicity chair for the MPMGA, I get to write about my first hole-in-one. I have been playing this game for over fifty years now. I have seen quite a few hole-in-ones, both as a caddie and as a player. I was beginning to think it would…

Join the MountainView Lady Putters for fun and friendship

Are you interested in fun, socializing with other SaddleBrooke women, having fun while improving your putting? Consider joining the MountainView Lady Putters (MVLP)! You can find more information about us at mvlputters.com. One of our fun events in March included the Verde Sputters from SaddleBrooke One. They hosted the MVL putters for a fun round…

Sister Jose Women’s Center serving homeless women in Tucson benefit from golf invitational

Eileen J Snearly On March 5, 2019, the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners were privileged to host an extraordinary SaddleBrooke golf invitational. Golf Pros Matt Hudson and Mike Karpe welcomed the following area golf clubs: Crooked Tree; Ironwood; LaPaloma; Oro Valley C.C.; SaddleBrooke Ranch; The Highlands; The Quails; The Views; Tucson National and The Vixens. Presently…