MPLN 2022 Fall Sponsor Kickoff

Eileen J. Snearly The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) honored their 2022 sponsors with a nine-hole golf tournament and appreciation luncheon at MountainView Clubhouse on Sept. 13. The participating golfers were welcomed by golf professional Matt Hudson and MPLN President Caryl Dowell. The explanation of the golf game was shared before the shotgun scramble starting…

MPLN Hosts Putts, Pearls, and Polka Dots

Eileen J. Snearly On Tuesday, May 3, the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) held their annual Bring a Friend golf event at MouintainView Golf Club and MV Bar and Grill, benefitting American Legion Oro Valley Post 132. The Commander of Post 132, Wayne Larroque, was presented a check at the MPLN board meeting on May…

Don’t We Have Fun

Eileen J. Snearly Outside golf invitationals are competitions open to all those invited by other golf clubs. The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners were invited to compete in five different outside invitationals. Thank you to Mary Cummins, the outside invitational chair, for passing these opportunities to the MPLN membership. Four outside invitationals have concluded, with 40…

Lady Niners Donate to Aviva Children’s Services

Eileen J. Snearly On March 1, Kelsey Leitel, family stabilization coordinator at Aviva, came to the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) board meeting. She attended the board meeting to thank the MPLN for their donation to Aviva that was collected at the Niners’ Holly Jolly Golf event held in February 2022. Ms. Leitel said since…

MPLN Crossing the Brooke – “Go Fish”

Eileen J. Snearly The Crossing the Brooke fun day of golf is when SaddleBrooke TWO Niners and SaddleBrooke One Niners invite each other to this annual, reciprocal event. This golf day was held Feb. 8 at the MountainView Golf Club. Co-Chairs Joyce Sutay and Suzan Carter worked hard to make this event a great success.…

MPLN 2022 Awards Dinner

Eileen J. Snearly On Jan. 18, the MountainView-Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) gathered for a social hour at 5 p.m. in the MountainView Ballroom at SaddleBrooke TWO to celebrate friends being together again. The Niners were welcomed by Caryl Dowell, president, with special recognition to charter member Carol Larson. Past presidents stood and were honored for their…

MPLN Will Compete for State Medallion

                    Eileen J. Snearly This State Medallion Tournament competition is open to all Arizona Women’s Golf Association members. Winners will be determined by their two best low gross, nine-hole rounds or their two best low net, nine-hole rounds out of four designated rounds on league day. The…

Aces Are High: MPLN Aces of the Month

Eileen J. Snearly The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners continue their winning ways. For the 12 months of 2021, these golfers have won either Net or Gross scores on their Tuesday nine-hole golf league day. Gross score is the total number of strokes taken during a round of golf. Net score refers to a golfer’s score…

MPLNs Will Compete for State Medallion

Eileen J. Snearly This State Medallion competition is open to all AWGA members. Winners will be determined by their two best low gross nine-hole rounds, or their two best low net nine-hole rounds out of four designated rounds on league day. The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) have four members who have qualified to compete…

MPLN Fall Kickoff and Sponsor Appreciation

Eileen J Snearly On Sept. 14, the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) had their first big outing since the pandemic. They highlighted the great sponsors who have supported them in 2021. The day included a nine-hole golf tournament, followed by lunch in the MountainView Clubhouse. Diane Mazzarella, president of the MPLN, conducted a brief business…