May FSL Lecture to Feature ‘The Mariachi Miracle’

Calling All Owl Lovers

Boot Prints: Dave Corrigan

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Drinks and d’oeuvres

Sue Robisch What better way to spend a seasonably warm afternoon, after dancing your favorite line dances, than with cooling and delicious drinks and d’oeuvres with friends. This is what members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club did on a Sunday afternoon in July. The day was very warm, with the promise of a monsoon…

Let The Dancing Begin…again!

Vivian  Herman This summer the SilverBelles individually took some time off for travel to foreign lands or to help grandchildren celebrate various milestones at high school and college graduations and marriages. Our choreographer, Ann, even became a great grandma. But personal milestones aside, the beat must go on since summer is also the time to…

Pickleball’s fundraising phase one is complete

Shawne Cryderman The SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association has successfully raised over $650,000 toward the building of new indoor courts. This phase one goal was reached with donations from 66 percent of the membership, promises of loans of 25K from ten SPA members, T-shirt sales and contributions from friends of SPA and other members of the SaddleBrooke…

Perfect Timing afterglow

Richard Martin and Gary Clark Last year a few friends in SaddleBrooke discovered a delightful little community playhouse called the Roadrunner Theatre Company. After attending several hilarious plays at the Roadrunner, we decided to organize a “SaddleBrooke Only” performance for one of their upcoming plays. The Roadrunner Theatre only has 72 seats, so it didn’t…