Category: Generals

Bringing Plant-Based Happenings to You

Varda Main A lot has been happening in the SaddleBrooke plant-based world, and there’s much more in the planning. On April 26 Dr. Ted Crawford gave a talk on a plant-based diet and lifestyle to a packed house. Some of the important takeaways were: 1) the most important thing you do each day is decide…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings – June 2024

Bea Dillehunt Named Volunteer of the Year Nancy McCluskey-Moore On April 8, at SaddleBrooke Community Outreach’s (SBCO) annual meeting, Bea Dillehunt was recognized as its volunteer of the year for 2023-24. This honor is significant for an all-volunteer organization that relies upon hundreds of volunteers to implement its programs to feed, clothe, enrich, and educate…

The Future of Assistive Listening

Tim Gaule I am a member of the SaddleBrooke Hearing Discussion Group. Our group meets at 10 a.m. on the second Friday of every month in the Sonoran Room at the MountainView clubhouse. In this month’s article I would like to discuss the Future of Assistive Listening. Currently, the best option is what is known…

Hearing Vibes: Discussion Group for Better Hearing

Who We Are: We are SaddleBrooke residents who recognize the need in our community for a caring place of support and education for those experiencing hearing loss and those beginning to research this topic for themselves or a loved one. What We Do: (1) Discuss issues we face, learn tips and solutions, receive handout educational…

Dog Park Provides Tips to Beat the Heat

Anne Quinn-Diment As the scorching Arizona sun climbs higher in the sky, finding ways to keep our furry friends cool becomes a top priority. For dog owners in SaddleBrooke, where temperatures can soar during the summer months, the challenge is even greater. However, fear not! With some smart strategies and a little creativity, you and…

SaddleBrooke July Blood Drive

Leslie Mehalek The May blood drive was a wonderful success. We collected 82 units of blood! Let’s do it again on July 20 at the MountainView ballroom from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. We have 43 people signed up already. We have lots of openings left, which means you can make your appointment now and…

Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program

Drop off your unused prescription medications! Location: Pinal County Sheriff’s Substation located at 63701 East SaddleBrooke Blvd. in the SaddleBrooke Mini Mart. June Schedule: Friday, June 14, from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, June 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. Requirements: Please, no liquids, syringes, creams, or sharp needles. • Pills must be in a…