Celebrating another end-of-the-season party are (left to right) Rich Adinolfi (chef), Deb Adinolfi (assistant), and Fred and Bonnie Barazani (hosts and organizers). (Photo by Raymond Goettsch)
Raymond H. Goettsch
Near the end of April every year, Preserve residents gather for a dinner to say goodbye to those who are snowbirds, leaving for the summer and returning in the fall. On Sunday night, April 21, as the afternoon sun was still shining, 118 Preserve residents arrived for a buffet dinner at the home of Bonnie and Fred Barazani. With their beverages of choice in hand, the guests entered the Barazanis’ side yard and patio. As the sun began to set, the guests sat in groups at tables or mingled on the patio. They discussed their summer plans, such as returning to their summer homes and taking planned trips.
The buffet dinner menu featured Caesar salad, chicken parmesan, pasta with Italian meatballs and sausages, meat and meatless sauces, roasted broccoli, and garlic bread. The servers offered a variety of dessert cookies to the seated guests. During the three-hour dinner event, The Preserve residents renewed friendships, made new friends, and enjoyed the natural beauty and hospitality of their neighborhood. The event was a great success. Rich Adinolfi was celebrated for the amazing accomplishment of preparing all of the buffet dishes, assisted and supported by his wife Deb Adinolfi.