Happy Tail: Joyful Joy Two

Romayne Trudo SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) received a call from longtime residents Dick and Judy Kroese who were asking for assistance with adopting a small dog. They had lost their little buddy a while ago and were realizing how much they missed having a companion to shower with love and affection. A volunteer guided…

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Part of the donations received New Year’s Day.

First Friday Drop Off Program Karyle Steele It was all hands-on-deck on New Year’s Day as the volunteers of the SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s (SBPRN). First Friday teams were ready to collect the food and pet items for the rescuers and shelters that SBPRN supports. We even had Lily#3 from Oracle Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation show…