Happy Tail: Joyful Joy Two

Dick Kroese with Joy Two

Romayne Trudo

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network (SBPRN) received a call from longtime residents Dick and Judy Kroese who were asking for assistance with adopting a small dog. They had lost their little buddy a while ago and were realizing how much they missed having a companion to shower with love and affection. A volunteer guided them to our website sbpetrescue.org to have them begin their initial search with our affiliated rescue groups. At the same time, the volunteer contacted Ruff Rescue which frequently takes in smaller dogs. Fortunately for everyone, they had rescued the sweetest, happiest little terrier mix named Princess. Here is her story: Princess came to Ruff Rescue pregnant, rescued from a hoarding case in Cochise County. Her puppies were born in October 2023. After all the puppies were placed, she was spayed and went into a wonderful foster home for some socialization and training. Her journey then led her to a permanent home in SaddleBrooke.

Dick and Judy are so smitten with their little bundle of joy that they decided to change her name to Joy Two, naming her after their previous dog Joy. Once again, it’s a happy ending for everyone involved, especially Joy Two.

SBPRN thanks the SaddleBrooke community for your continued support in our efforts to help the homeless pets in our local communities.