Category: January 2025
Generals, January 2025
Golden Goose 2025! Thrifting Delights, Bargain Bliss, Fashion Finds, Treasure Trove, Community Support
Happy New Year from all of us at Golden Goose Thrift Shop! We are incredibly grateful for our amazing volunteers and loyal customers who make our community shine. As we step into this exciting new year, we’re thrilled to announce that our shelves are overflowing with a fabulous array of quality, second-hand items just waiting…
Clubs & Classes, January 2025
Get a Grip

Stuart Watkins Buy yourself a hand-held treat and relax. Watching TV or spending time at the computer, perhaps driving your car to the shopping center? Well, put one of these in your hand and squeeze away the time as you build strength in your grip. Start easy with just a few squeezes and then build…
Sports, January 2025
We Love POP Tennis
Peggy Albrecht POP tennis takes all the best bits of tennis and combines them with a court and equipment that makes the game easier to play. The result is a social sport that’s as laidback or competitive as you want to make it, and the best part is that absolutely anyone can play. How we…
Sports, January 2025
Relishing Pickleball: Playing the Middle
David Zapatka If you have played pickleball very long, you’ve heard of this strategy, “hit the middle of the court.” What does this mean, why should we do it and why does it work? Our first thought may be that this means to hit the middle of the opponents’ side of the court. This is…
Sports, January 2025
Santa Claus Came to Town!

Ruth Sollin ‘Twas the night before Christmas—or maybe three weeks early! The MountainView Lady Putters were decked out in their festive holiday attire, celebrating the holiday season and sharing the Christmas vibe. The holiday luncheon on Dec. 9 rocked the house, with 118 in attendance. Al Weigel, as “Pa,” from the Community Circle Players, read…
Sports, January 2025
Pool Players of The Brooke vs. Rincon Country West Billiards Club

Joe Giammarino The Pool Players of The Brooke (PPB) would like to thank Rincon Country West Billiards Club (RCW), Bob McKenna, and RCW’s Billiards Team for their camaraderie and friendly competition. Another big thank you goes out to Tony “The Snake” Cardillo, PPB Travel Team captain, for organizing this event. On Dec. 14 the PPB’s…
Sports, January 2025
Battle for the Saddle

Raymond H. Goettsch On Nov. 8–10, 2024, 78 members of the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) faced off against 78 SaddleBrooke Ranch Pickleball Association (SRPA) members on the SRPA courts in The Battle for the Saddle Tournament. The tournament was for women’s, men’s, and mixed doubles teams competing in a round-robin format in which each SPA…
Sports, January 2025
SaddleBrooke Residents Hit the Cornhole Courts
Christine Schmitz Did you know that the SaddleBrooke Cornhole Club is the first club to form in SaddleBrooke TWO since Robson Management left? We currently have more than 400 members to date, and we aren’t even one year old! But to keep up with growth, we need the help of our members. Volunteers are sought…
Sports, January 2025
One Great Year Will Lead to Another for the SBWGA
Ret Convey It’s hard to believe that our 2024 golf season wrapped up on Dec. 3 at our annual holiday luncheon. It seems like just yesterday that Cathe Kropp stepped up to the podium to preside over her first general meeting and luncheon 12 months ago. Cathe and her board did a splendid job organizing…