Linda DeWitt On Tuesday, March 8, 2016, The MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) will host our annual Take a Swing at Cancer Golf Tournament with an 8:00 a.m. shotgun start at the MountainView Golf Club. The modified scramble tournament is open to all SaddleBrooke (HOA 1 and 2), SaddleBrooke Ranch ladies and new this year—non-SaddleBrooke…
Tag: Golf
Sports, February 2016
MPLN recognize special achievements
Diane Mazzarella The annual MPLN dinner meeting on January 19, 2016, recognized 2015 special achievements. The 16 flight winners of the Par Board and Ringer Board competitions received cash prizes for their accomplishments. Additionally, Susan Elliott, the new MPLN president, recognized 2015 Club Champion Joyce Sutay and President’s Cup winner Deb Bunker. Mike Jahaske, head…
Sports, February 2016
The M-PMGA begins new Pima Cup Season
Bob Edelblut On Wednesday, December 9 the first Pima Cup Match of the new season was played at the La Paloma Country Club. Play began at 12:30 p.m. and everyone was expecting a warm sunny afternoon but once again Mother Nature said that what you golfers really need are cloudy skies with light winds and…
Sports, February 2016
SaddleBrooke Men’s Niners Golf League holds heroes luncheon
Edwin Sand On Tuesday, December 15 the men’s Niners Golf League held its annual Heroes Luncheon at the Westward Look Resort for nearly 90 members and their wives or guests. The luncheon was chaired by Ted Swenson and hosted by Dick Cook, president of the golf league. The luncheon began in the bar area for…
Sports, February 2016
MPLN scores at AWGA State Medallion Club Team Tourney
The MountainView/Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) team tied for first place in their flight at the AWGA State Medallion tournament on January 16 and 17, 2016, at PebbleCreek Golf Resort. Fourteen teams from around the state participated in this annual tournament. Congratulations to Kay Tomaszek (gross) and Raye Cobb (net) who earned their spots on the…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
The first hole-in-one of 2016 goes to Rennie Temple
Bob Edelblut On Friday, January 1, 2016, the eighth hole at the MountainView Golf Course was the scene of the first hole-in-one of the year. To be exact it occurred at 11:10 a.m. MST under sunny skies with an ideal 60 degree temperature. What a setting for Rennie Temple to record his third career ace.…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
SaddleBrooke Lady Niners news
Elaine Kienitz The new year started with our Founders’ Cup Tournament and luncheon. The Founders’ Cup gives us a chance to pay tribute to the ladies who founded our club in 1990. The winner of the tournament is determined by the best overall low net score. The winner of the 2016 Founders’ Cup is Vernie…
Clubs & Classes, February 2016
This time the hole-in-one belongs to Dan Nordhill
Bob Edelblut On January 14, the eighth hole at the MountainView Golf Course yielded another hole-in-one and the winner this time is Dan Nordhill. First of all, congratulations for getting your first hole-in-one and for doing same while playing in a regular Thursday M-PMGA event for, as you know, free beer will flow at the…
Sports, February 2016
M-PMGA 2016 Board of Directors set for the upcoming year
Bob Edelblut On Thursday, January 7 the first monthly luncheon of the year was held by the M-PMGA at the MountainView Ballroom. Under normal circumstances all members attending the luncheon would have participated in 2016’s first weekly tournament, but Mother Nature had other plans and after a brief early morning discussion the golf event was…
Generals, February 2016
2016 Women’s Collegiate Golf Tournament
Mary Baglien The eighteenth annual MountainView Women’s Collegiate Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, March 18 and Saturday, March 19. Kansas State and the University of Missouri will again host this year’s tournament. This year’s 15-team field includes the following schools: Colorado State, Georgia, Iowa State, Kansas State, Kennesaw State, Middle Tennessee, Minnesota, Missouri,…