Tag: Golf

Hip Hip Hooray!

Eileen J. Snearly, Gay Uhl, and Karen Stott Hip Hip Hooray is a cheer called out to express congratulations toward someone or something. Three cheers to the MountainView Lady Putters for surpassing their goal of $3,000 for the rural area San Manuel/Mammoth Schools. A check was presented to Principal Dr. Michele Poppen for $3,043. This…

MVLP Hawaiian Goofy Golf

Eileen J. Snearly The MountainView Lady Putters (MVLP) gathered on the MV putting green on Sept. 12 to play Hawaiian Goofy Golf while dressed in colorful Hawaiian attire. After being welcomed by our colorfully dressed president, Roberta Wisniewski, there was time to introduce guests and receive names of those absent who need to get well…

Verde Sputters Labor Day Luncheon

BK Koch Labor Day took away many of our Sputters who were enjoying other pursuits over the long weekend. However, 20 brave Sputters endured the weather and were blessed with a cooling breeze which, in the words of our president, Helen Bellacqua, “kept the bugs away and ruffled our hair like we were in a…

Lady Niners Welcomes New Members

Wanda Ross Lady Niners gladly welcomes new members. Ten new members joined this year, and more are joining. Most are new to SaddleBrooke. Many golfed elsewhere and are eager to golf here. Some already enjoy league play. Snowbirds often are members of Lady Niners, plus a league at their other homes. Some new members are…

2022 MPWGA Summer Heat Tournament

Ann Lange Anyone looking for a hot time knows to call the MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA), especially after someone else had turned the thermostat up to “hell” and then left for the summer. In order to have fun surviving new heat-setting records, the MPWGA created a new tournament, and on Aug. 23, “Summer Heat” sparked.…

President Anne Shares Her Talents

Shirley Hamann Anne Stonecipher, 2022 SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBWGA) President, started sewing when she was just 10 years old, making doll clothes for her younger sister. She has loved sewing ever since. She was lucky enough to have a wonderful junior high school sewing teacher. The 8th grade girls made shirtwaist dresses with a…

MV Lady Putters’ Guests Are Welcome

Eileen J. Snearly Every Monday morning at 8:30 a.m. during the summer, the MV Lady Putters gather for a fun time of competitive putting and possible prize winning on the MV putting green. If a putter has family or friends whom she wishes to putt with, they are welcome to join the fun. Summertime in…


Scott Newberry Aces Hole 13 at MountainView Alan Doan On Saturday, July 16, Scott Newberry was playing a round at the MountainView course with fellow golfers Ron Pozzi, Bob Osbold, and Bob Barker. On hole number 13, Scott pulled out a 5-wood and smacked his tee shot to a back left pin position 134 yards…