Category: December 2018

Where is God?

Most of us struggle with that question at one time or other during our lives. There are a group of men who gather every Friday morning year-round to study the Bible. We explore questions and concerns that we find in our lives and culture. The word of God in the Bible serves as our guiding…

Pastor Roger Pierce speaks at Men’s Breakfast

David Stanard It was November and in keeping with tradition, it was a Veterans Day theme at the Resurrection Church Men’s Breakfast. Right at seventy attended, a record for the November breakfast. Those who had served were recognized and the group was honored to have as its speaker for the day, Pastor Roger Pierce, Commander,…

More opportunities for learning this winter and spring

Gail Kolenda, Education Chair Below are the current classes being offered. The winter–spring session will continue with more special classes including the group book study of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron that is moderated by Deb Kress. Don’t miss out. Check the Art Classes page at for the most up-to-date schedule and information about…

SaddleBrooke Hikers do trail work and have fun

It’s fun to begin a work session on the Arizona Trail with a 4×4 ride down Kannally Wash in Oracle State Park. Sixteen volunteers were transported to the work site in off-road vehicles driven by Steve Meyers, Joe Maurizzi, Barry Larson, Gary Faulkenberry and Zach MacDonald. Even though the temperatures were cold on the 14th…

SaddleBrooke Gift Shop featured artist for December – Mike Sedgwick, an artistic creator of novels and short stories

Russell C Stokes Michael E. Sedgwick is an author and writer of novels, short stories, essays and memoirs. Mike’s love for reading novels and his desire to write began at an early age. He initiated and edited the school’s journal of poetry and essays while earning his degree in physics and chemistry at London University.…

Fall friend fest

Dionne Warwick It was another beautiful day on October 30, 2018 when Beth Effenberger, Phyllis Cadden and their committee hosted the ever popular MountainView Preserve Lady Niner event, “Bring a Friend.” The golfers were greeted first thing in the morning by a trio of accordion players. The Niners wish to thank the MountainView Golf Club,…

Keep active and moving with Tai Chi

Even if we can’t do all the physical activities we used to do, Tai Chi offers a gentler option for moving, stretching and strengthening the body. Tai Chi engages the entire body with gentle, flowing movements which increase circulation of both the blood and lymph, helping to clear the waste products of our metabolism from…