Category: June 2024

B’nai Midbar Events

Melanie Einbund On May 15, we took a trip to the Tucson Jewish Museum, which we explored with a docent. Tucson Jewish history was the topic. The museum is the location of the first Jewish temple in the Southwest and the Holocaust Center. It was an adventure of education and noshing—what fun! Shavuot is a…

Come Y’all, ‘Bee a Friend’

EJ Snearly An event that is held yearly was previously called “Bring a Friend.” The Bring a Friend Committee decided that “Bee a Friend” would more accurately describe the event. You can “Bring a Friend,” but to “Bee a Friend” is very special. The MPLN golf league embodies the spirit of being a friend. The…

Dance Instructor Turns 90

Linda Berg and Paulette Kasperski On April 22, eight dance students honored their much-loved line dance instructor Nancy Parker. Resplendent in black cowboy hats, boots, and matching red shirts, they greeted her with gifts and homemade cupcakes following their normal Monday line dance class at the DesertView clubhouse. As was their practice, it was common…

MountainView Collegiate Women’s Golf Tournament Needs You!

Each year SaddleBrooke hosts the MountainView Collegiate Women’s Golf Tournament, and 2024 did not disappoint! SaddleBrooke has been hosting this tournament for over 25 years, and this tournament is unique in that the players and coaches are housed in SaddleBrooke host homes. All the players are outstanding young women, and the coaches really appreciate the…

World War II: So Many Books!

Virginia Bynum June 6, 2024, was the 80th anniversary of D-Day! World War II (WWII) history books are the most popular nonfiction titles in your SaddleBrooke Community Libraries. Patrons have shown extraordinary interest in all matters relating to World War II. Because the nonfiction section is organized by subject, this is a good time for…

Bringing Plant-Based Happenings to You

Varda Main A lot has been happening in the SaddleBrooke plant-based world, and there’s much more in the planning. On April 26 Dr. Ted Crawford gave a talk on a plant-based diet and lifestyle to a packed house. Some of the important takeaways were: 1) the most important thing you do each day is decide…

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach Happenings – June 2024

Bea Dillehunt Named Volunteer of the Year Nancy McCluskey-Moore On April 8, at SaddleBrooke Community Outreach’s (SBCO) annual meeting, Bea Dillehunt was recognized as its volunteer of the year for 2023-24. This honor is significant for an all-volunteer organization that relies upon hundreds of volunteers to implement its programs to feed, clothe, enrich, and educate…

The Future of Assistive Listening

Tim Gaule I am a member of the SaddleBrooke Hearing Discussion Group. Our group meets at 10 a.m. on the second Friday of every month in the Sonoran Room at the MountainView clubhouse. In this month’s article I would like to discuss the Future of Assistive Listening. Currently, the best option is what is known…

Hearing Vibes: Discussion Group for Better Hearing

Who We Are: We are SaddleBrooke residents who recognize the need in our community for a caring place of support and education for those experiencing hearing loss and those beginning to research this topic for themselves or a loved one. What We Do: (1) Discuss issues we face, learn tips and solutions, receive handout educational…