Melanie Sedam The implication is that there is something amiss or wrong with the HECM program. There is absolutely nothing wrong with HECM mortgages. In fact, they are the most heavily regulated mortgages in the country; they require HUD counseling even before an application can be submitted. There’s not another mortgage anywhere that can do…
Category: May 2019
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Residents Score At Oro Valley Spring Triathlon

Karin Bivens SaddleBrooke residents Diane Wagner, Len Kershaw, Dave Taylor and Rodger Bivens competed in the Oro Valley Sprint Triathlon on Saturday, March 23, and Karin Bivens volunteered. The weather was ideal although chilly in the morning at the start of the 400M swim. Following the swim, participants biked 14.4 miles from the Oro Valley…
May 2019
Nature Club news
Annie Maud One of the perks of living in SaddleBrooke is our proximity to Biosphere 2. The Biosphere was the brain child of Space Biosphere Ventures and was built between 1987-1991. It was intended as a grand experiment, the precursor to a space colony on the moon. The speaker at the Nature Club’s April meeting…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Pet Rescue thanks the community

Linda Morsani The SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network was founded in 2007 to aid and place homeless pets, and the monthly pick up program of donated items started four years ago. Because of the generosity of the residents of SaddleBrooke, during this time, the Network has collected over 1,081 donations or over 4,130 items for pets.…
Features, May 2019
With the likes of me
Stuart Watkins Eatin’ wheat thins Drinkin’ white wine Don’t make a hill-o-beans Jus’ killin’ time Wife done left me Done it a dozen times Always comes runnin’ back Boyfriend won’t worth the time Strummin’ on a guitar Singing songs off key Drinkin’ whiskey and rye Don’t give a hoot ‘bout her or me Yeah, she…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild: fact or fiction
The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is a group of diverse artists residing and/or renting here in our beautiful community. Our artists work in most mediums, from collage to oil painting to acrylics to watercolor to sculpture and more. We are open to new members, even if you don’t consider yourself an artist—yet! We have members…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Knit Wits news

Carol Chiarello World Wide Knit in Public Day is Saturday, June 8. The Knit Wits will be showing their talents at various benches located in La Encantada, a nice shopping area here in Tucson. Come visit those who will be enjoying the sunshine and socialization. Knit in Public Day started in 2005 as a way…
Sports, May 2019
Congratulations, Mary Kay Nordhill – MPWGA President’s Cup champion

Ann Lange Mary Kay Nordhill shined the brightest of the 42 star-studded Sparklers stylin’ in red, white and blue who played in the MountainView Preserve Women’s Golf Association’s President’s Cup. The players were grouped by handicap into six flights, each named in honor of a past president of the United States. This was the 19th…
Clubs & Classes, May 2019
Dome Rock Saguaro hike
Ruth Caldwell Hike leader Michael Hovan led twenty-three hikers on the maiden voyage of what will certainly become a very popular hike. The morning of March 31, greeted hikers with great weather for this venture up a newly-cleared trail right in SaddleBrooke’s backyard. The hike’s destination was the prominently visible Dome Rock, which hugs the…
Generals, May 2019
Hidden mesas and trading posts tour
Bob Stuart Arizona Pathfinders, a nonprofit volunteer group of the Arizona Historical Society, is conducting a five-day tour (Monday–Friday) on September 30–October 4, 2019, to the Colorado Plateau. Join us for an adventuresome tour to this region and meet Hopi and Navajo artisans and learn about their art and culture. This is a wonderful opportunity…