Tag: Social Committee

Heated Competition in Unit 28

Jennifer Citron Bragging rights and Chili Cook-off Champion status were up for grabs at the Unit 28 gathering on Jan. 18. More than 30 neighbors gathered to sup, sample, and score the 11 entries at the western-themed evening. The crowd chowed down on their favorites, supplemented with cornbread varieties or rice, while the winners were…

Line Dance Club Hosts Summer’s End Potluck

Lynda Fraley Members of the SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club (SBLDC) and their guests gathered for a potluck dinner on Sept. 10 at the SaddleBrooke One tennis pavilion. Dancers each prepared a favorite appetizer, salad, main dish, or dessert. The resulting spread was lavish and appetizing! It included favorites as well as exotic specialties. A partial…

Cyclemasters Bike Maintenance and Chili Cook-Off

Cindy Holm For the first time, Cyclemasters offered its members a bike maintenance workshop followed by a chili cook-off. Approximately 40 members gathered at SaddleBrooke One, where Cyclemasters President Kurt McMillen, member John Boyd, and Jim Barrett of Birdie Trikes Sales and Service addressed the following topics: Typical Repairs on the Road, At-Home Preventive Maintenance,…

Mama Mia! What a pizza party

Lynne Kumza Thank you and congratulations to the new Social Committee for a fun, successful and delicious Pizza Party. The SaddleBrooke Line Dance Club began their fun dancing (with light feet) in the Vermilion Room at HOA 1 Clubhouse. It was so nice to see many new faces from the Novice Class attending the festivities.…