Tag: Pop Tennis Club

Ho Ho Ho and Happy Holidays!

Cindy Madsen The SaddleBrooke Tennis and POP Tennis Club held their annual holiday festivities on Dec. 5 at the SaddleBrooke One Vista dining room, which was very inviting and festively decorated for the holiday season. We had 110 Tennis and POP Tennis members, along with their guests, in attendance. The evening started with a cocktail…

POP Tennis Player of the Month: Anthony Faifer

Roe Callahan What do POP tennis, motorcycles, interior design, and landscape design have to do with one another? They are all the things Anthony Faifer, our POP Tennis Player of the Month loves to do. Anthony lived and worked as a landscape designer, interior designer, and property manager for 20 years in South Africa before…

What Makes POP Tennis So Fun?

Roe Callahan POP tennis takes all the best parts of tennis and combines them with a court and equipment that make the game a little easier to play. The result is a social sport that’s as laidback or competitive as you want to make it, and the best part is that absolutely anyone can play.…

SaddleBrooke POP Tennis Social

Stuart Watkins POP tennis players from SaddleBrooke and Heritage Highlands at Dove Mountain met to have a friendly competition with snacks and drinks afterward. There were no scores kept as to which club had more winners, but everyone seemed to enjoy the matches and social gathering when the matches were over. Pam Wakefield kept the…

Spring Fling

Cindy Madsen On the evening of May 6, the SaddleBrooke Tennis/POP Tennis Club (STC) hosted its Spring Fling event. There were about 90 STC members in attendance enjoying the light appetizers, hosted by the STC, as they listened and danced to music provided by Chuck Moses. The STC patio was the perfect place to host the…

Spooktacular Halloween Social

Cindy Madsen The SaddleBrooke Tennis and POP Tennis Club (STC) hosted a spooktacular Halloween social for all STC members and their guests on Oct. 31. The event started with all club members playing in a mixed social of tennis and POP Tennis, and some were daring enough to play in their costumes on a gorgeous…

SaddleBrooke Tennis

It’s the People Stuart Watkins “It’s the people,” was the response that both Landon Sheat and Karen Simmons gave when asked what they enjoyed most about POP Tennis. Landon said he enjoyed it because it seemed to be less competitive than tennis. Karen also enjoys getting out and said she just enjoys the sport. Landon…