Tag: Meetings

February Tech Talks Meeting

Laurence Edralin The topic of our February Tech Talks meeting will be “Introduction to Photoshop Elements and Learn How to Improve Your Images,” presented by Mark Guinn. Mark Guinn is a lifelong amateur photographer. “After my sister said, ‘Mark, you take good pictures. You should get a good camera,’ I got my first SLR from…

The Loss of Hope in Youth

Barbara Starrett SaddleBrooke Freethinkers are proud to have Tom Miller, PhD, speak on “Loss of Hope in Youth” on Sunday, Jan. 26. The meeting is held at the SaddleBrooke One clubhouse Vermillion Room, with a coffee social at 9:15 a.m., and the program begins at 9:45 a.m. Dr. Miller will discuss how some key demographic…

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Bob Hutton The pivot hole is just a tad tight and squeaks. A shelf is so tight it springs up. Or the sliding door in the cabinet won’t open anymore. Any of a number of wood- or plastic-related items in our home can change over time, especially since most of us moved from somewhere else,…

Hearing V-I-B-E-S – December 2024

Discussion Group for Better Hearing Who We Are: We are SaddleBrooke residents who recognize the need in our community for a caring place of support and education for those experiencing hearing loss and those beginning to research this topic for themselves or a loved one. What We Do: (1) Discuss issues we face, learn tips…

Stroke/Neurological Support Group

Caregivers, it’s important to come to our meetings each month. The simple reason is that it will help you through the emotional and physical stress of caring for loved ones suffering from stroke, MS, Alzheimer’s, and any other neurological disorder. Caregivers can find themselves giving their entire day without recharging all the mental and physical…

Genealogy Club News: Special December Program

Laurence Edralin The Dec. 5 program will be a special luncheon for members and guests, to be held in the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Please visit the club’s website at sites.google.com/view/saddlebrookeAZgenealogyclub for further details. The Genealogy Club normally meets on the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m.…

Come Join the CyclePaths’ Fundraiser

Diane Demeroutis and Barbara Barr Bengen Save the date of Nov. 23 to join the fun with the SaddleBrooke Rotary CyclePaths as they raise funds to end polio. Each year, we have so much fun as we ride in groups or privately on stationary bikes to raise money to eradicate polio! I know—you thought polio…

SaddleBrooke Great Decisions 2025 Topics

Barb Schaepe SaddleBrooke Great Decisions looks forward to insightful 2025 programs on key U.S. foreign policy issues. Meetings, held on Mondays from 3 to 5 p.m. in the MountainView East Ballroom, run from January through March. Exact dates should be finalized and communicated in December. Meetings include viewing a Foreign Policy Association documentary film with…

Nature Club Meeting Nov. 18

Kay Sullivan, President, SaddleBrooke Nature Club The SaddleBrooke Nature Club resumed its programs and meetings after a summer hiatus. Our first meeting, held on Oct. 14, featured speaker Mabel Rivera from the Pima County Natural Resources Parks and Recreation’s newest department called Conservation, Land and Resources. Mabel shared the kind of native and arid-adapted garden…

Gardening Club Members Are Going on Tours

Mary Jane Wilson The new SaddleBrooke Gardening Club (SBGC) is organized into four subgroups: Vegetable/Herb, Flower/Roses, Citrus/Fruit Trees, and Cactus/Succulents/Other. Initial subgroup meetings were held in August, September, and October where like-minded gardeners have been getting to know each other by discussing what has done well in their gardens, what challenges their gardens have faced…