Our meeting on March 9 welcomed Holly Shaman, MSW, psych-social director of the Aria Hospice. Aria Hospice Comfort Care is a locally owned and operated Southern Arizona home that can provide medical staff, medications, medical equipment, and supplies to your home when it is convenient for you. Shaman works with dying people and their families at the Aria Hospice Center. She informed us of the many services that are provided to hospice patients and their families during the difficult process of dying comfortably.
During this period of time, when we are aware of the serious possibility of a loved one or oneself’s passing, we must be alert to bringing our kids onto our health care team. We must talk openly with our adult children about our expectations including the following:
1. Time commitment: Be frank about how much help you need and what kind of time might be involved from them and other services.
2. Decisions: Let your family know early how much input you want your children to have in your treatment plan, especially if you reach a point where you’re unable to make decisions.
3. Accountability: Let your children know early on that you expect them to be patient and respectful of how you follow your treatment plan.
4. Health care proxy: Your health care proxy or surrogate is a legal representative to make decisions for you. What’s most important is that your loved one knows what your wishes are in the event of illness or emergency.
5. Bring them into the fold: The more help you need, the more you’ll have to share your health issues. Have your list of medications, names, times, doses, and when you take them.
6. Work with your doctor: Tell your doctor about your children being a part of your health team, being open with your children on items regarding coming with you to appointments, or having them receive information by other means from the doctor’s office.
Mark the following dates of future meetings: Saturday, April 13, and Saturday, May 11.
If you have any questions, please contact Esta Goldstein at 520-275-0821 or jsda38@icloud.com or Marilyn Sellers at 520-818-0965 or wwsellers@wbhsi.net.