Tag: Jewish Friendship Group

Jewish Friendship Group News

The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) continues to be active as the weather here in Tucson changes to a more temperate clime. By the time you read this, the Ladies’ Coffee will have taken place at the home of Eileen Feldgus. Sharon Triester and Willie Reich were also hostesses of this event, and we wish to…

Jewish Friendship Group

The new season of the Jewish Friendship Group is upon us. Members are returning from summer sojourns, even though the weather in Tucson continues the summer heat. On Sept. 11, 40 hardy folks joined together at the home of Sandy and Steven Rosen for an ice cream social. We walked around the lightning and thunder…

Jewish Friendship Group

Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) continues an active and rewarding season. Even though COVID numbers are decreasing in the Tucson area, we are still intent on staying cautious to allow us to be able to meet in person for all activities. On July 28 Joy Erickson welcomed 20 JFG ladies to her beautiful…

Jewish Friendship Group News

Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) has had an active and rewarding season. We were able to meet in person for all activities, which allowed new members to join us. On the morning of May 12, Carol Gordon hosted the Ladies’ Coffee. All interested members were able to attend, as the coffee was held…

Jewish Friendship Group May News and Happenings

Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) has had an active and rewarding season. We were able to meet in person for all activities, which allowed new members to join us. On the morning of May 12, Carol Gordon hosted the Ladies’ Coffee. All interested members were able to attend, as the coffee was held…

Jewish Friendship Group News

Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) continued varied activities during the month of March, and we look forward to another active April. On March 10, the JFG Book Club met at the home of Laurie Colen, who presented the book Nesting Dolls, by Alina Adams. Laurie had personal connections and interesting insights into the…

Jewish Friendship Group News

Marsha Foresman The Jewish Friendship Group Book Club met on Feb. 10 at the home of Sandy Epstein, who presented The Tunnel by A. B. Yehoshua. As always, the discussion was lively and challenging and, at times, personal, since the book deals with a retiree newly diagnosed with dementia. Plus, the freshly squeezed orange juice from…

Jewish Friendship Group News

Marilyn Anthony The lecture on Jewish India, “Then and Now,” by Barb and Jack Rosenthal was a total sellout, and given what wonderful presenters they are, the Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) is hoping that they will agree to give it a second time to allow many more of our members to attend. The JFG is…

Jewish Friendship Group’s Happenings

Judy Greene Our mission is to perpetuate the traditions of the Jewish faith in a social environment. In addition to our regular members, we look forward to seeing any new members who wish to get to know us. In September, we had limited our activities to a program either in person with masks, or on…

Chanukah Party Planned for November 29

The mission of the Jewish Friendship Group is to perpetuate the traditions of the Jewish faith in a social environment. In addition to our regular members, whom we haven’t seen since the pandemic, we look forward to seeing any new members who wish to join us. The board is meeting to set up an activities schedule for…