SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild: fact or fiction

The SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is a group of diverse artists residing and/or renting here in our beautiful community. Our artists work in most mediums, from collage to oil painting to acrylics to watercolor to sculpture and more. We are open to new members, even if you don’t consider yourself an artist—yet! We have members ranging all the way from Art Lovers to Beginners to Accomplished; but we’re all friendly people.

Why are we called a Guild and not a club? There is a perception that being a guild makes us “exclusive” when we most certainly are not at all! That’s the fiction of being called a guild. The fact is it’s a traditional term for art groups, coming from medieval times when people with similar craft skills would group together for strength in numbers, much like a union does for workers now. Today, guild is a fancy way of saying club. It’s merely a tradition to call an art group a guild.

We are always seeking new members! For $20 per year, you’ll have access to the many perks of being in our group. Among the perks are the ability to participate in our annual Fine Art Show, come to our monthly programs and use the Topaz Room. Open Studio time, Live Figure Drawing, Non-Critique group and various art classes are many of the fun activities (did I mention we have parties?).

If you are interested in knowing more about us, please go to our website at or you can contact our president, Karen Brungardt, 520-825-1845 (text or call) or email her at