Jack Fritz Karen Warner, a former high school swimmer, joined the SaddleBrooke Swim Club last year and has been working out with the assistance of Head Coach Doug Springer to improve her technique and fitness. She has improved to such a level that she recognized her old high school form and felt confident enough to…
Unit Happenings – January 2025
Preserve Ladies Who Lunch
Cyclemasters Tour de Tucson
SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild – January 2025
May 2014
Karen Warner brings medals home from first meet
May 2014
SaddleBrooke Niners’ Ladies’ Choice tournament results
Bonnie Thomas The SaddleBrooke Niners’ Ladies’ Choice Tournament was held on Tuesday, April 22 with thirty five couples participating. This is an annual event in which Niners invite a male guest who is not their spouse. Sharon Dicosola chaired the committee. After a morning of golf the couples had a delicious taco lunch including a…
May 2014
First Pickleball Club tournament a success
Larry Linderman The history of pickleball at SaddleBrooke has several landmarks: the first court which was lined with masking tape in the MountainView parking lot in 2007; the obtaining of the Preserve Courts; the all-purpose courts built in 2008 which now sit unused behind DesertView; the raising of over $100,000 by the SPA membership to…
May 2014
All is VERY well with the SBWGA-18
May 2014
St. Patrick’s Softball Tournament was a hit!
Carol Chiarello SaddleBrooke Senior Softball Association held its annual Saint Patrick’s Tournament on Saturday, March 15. Patrick Shaffer Dentistry sponsored the event which featured four exciting games with your friends and neighbors providing the entertainment. This tournament’s team sponsors included: Ambient Air Heating and Cooling, Catalina Smiles Dentistry, Twin Lake Air, Stone Canyon Painting, Orbitel…
May 2014
Life’s a beach
This was the theme for this year’s SaddleBrooke Niners’ Invitational. It was held on Tuesday, April 8. The Invitational is always held on even years with invitations extended to other nine hole women’s groups around the area. This year there were 15 guest clubs represented who came from Mesa, Sun Lakes, SaddleBrooke HOA 2, Tucson,…