SPA Celebrated Halloween with a Party, Music, and Dancing

Swimmers Celebrate Personal Bests and Team Spirit at Ron Johnson Memorial State Meet

Fit Fest Is Back!

Paper Crafters Support Senior Village

SaddleBrooke Democratic Club news

Jim Vavra The April meeting of the SaddleBrooke Democratic Club was well held on Tuesday, April 14. Those in attendance were treated to a lively discussion by Tory Anderson and Amanda Morton representing the Secular Coalition of Arizona. Tory is the lobbyist for the organization and Amanda is a volunteer on the Coalition’s staff. They…

SMGA Crazy Pin Tournament still crazy

Every hear anyone say, “Golf is just a good walk spoiled?” Or ever play golf and recall a couple of greens where the pin was just in an impossible place? Try playing in a tournament where all the pins are in the most difficult, inaccessible, well—crazy places! 84 golfers signed up to try their hand…

Victory for SaddleBrooke 2015 Ryder Cup Team

SaddleBrooke Ryder Cup Team from left, back row: Lee Anne McClelland, Maire Ryan, Kay Kunze, Brenda Brown, Judy Melo, Becky Hubbard and Pro Bernie Eaton; front row: Reenie Romey, Phyllis Sarrels, Molly Fullerton, Deb Finn, Jean Molitor, Kerry Crowell and Sandra Murray; foreground: Team Captains Charley Johnson and Takeyo Eakin

We congratulate the SBWGA 2015 Ryder Cup team for its victory this year, winning the cup with a score of 19 to 13 MVP. Our team members, under the guidance of Charley Johnson and Takeyo Eakin, are LeeAnne McClellan, Maire Ryan,Kay Kunze, Brenda Brown, Judy Melo, Becky Hubbard, Reenie Romey, Phyllis Sarrels, Molly Fullerton, Deb…

Ranching in southern Arizona in memory of Joe Goff part 3

Bob Simpson Joe’s obituary provides an account of how he went on from his first lease from George Pusch to finally acquiring ranches from Redington to Winkleman, Willow Springs to Mammoth and a series of ranches near his father’s home place along the Florence Highway — today Route 79. [] Bill Montgomery, his long-time friend,…

Stay in touch this summer

This summer stay in touch with your friends and neighbors in SaddleBrooke by reading the Progress online at Email us your vacation photos with a small note and we will post them for your friends to see. Email them to Chelsea Johnson at [email protected]. Be sure to have the subject line read “SaddleBrooke Online.”…