Marilyn Anthony
It was down to the wire for the second annual Jew Who Knew? evening with three teams tying for first place. Following two tie breaking questions, Team Aleph, Sam/Lorna Horowitz, Sandy/Seth Basker, Ellie/George Adelman and Elaine/Howard Fagan took the prize. It was no mean feat to win this year with somewhat esoteric questions. A fun time was had by all.
The next JFG dinner will be March 12. The menu is corned beef and cabbage or herb roasted chicken, mixed green salad, roasted potatoes, assorted cookies for dessert and drinks.
Cost is $16.50 per person including tax and tip.
Doors open at 5:30 p.m. at HOA 1 Vermilion Room. Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m.
Mail checks to Laurie Colen at 63845 E. Orangewood Lane with choice of entree indicated.
Our Passover Seder on April 4 will begin at 5:30 p.m. at HOA 1 Vista Dining Room. Dinner will be served after the Seder led by Sam Horowitz and Seth Basker.
It will be a traditional Seder dinner of gefilte fish, chicken soup with matzo balls, brisket or salmon, roasted yams, sautéed green beans. There is also a vegetarian option. There will be two bottles of wine per table; any additional wine will be $3 per glass.
The cost will be $35.50 per person including tax and tip.
Mail payment to Laurie Colen with choice of entree indicated.
The Matzo and More campaign is seeking drivers for delivery of the Pesach baskets on March 29. People wishing to volunteer should contact Marilyn Anthony at
The Co-Ed Book Club selection for March 12 was Suddenly a Knock on the Door by Edgar Keret. This collection of off the wall short stories by a contemporary, highly popular Israeli writer was the first time the club read post-modernist literature. Weird, yet captivating – not your everyday read!
The book for April 9 is Pearl Buck’s Peony. The hostess is Linda Solomon, 37323 S. Desert Bluff Drive; RSVP by phone at 468 2539 or e mail RSVP by Monday, April 6.
Lunch at noon; discussion at 12:15 p.m. Dessert and beverages will be served.
The March Ladies’ Coffee was hosted by Connie Martin and Barbara Kessler. Our thanks to them for stepping in on such short notice.
The next coffee will be on April 17 at 10:00 a.m. at the home of Esther Goldberg, 62847 E. Amberwood Drive and co-hosted with Sue Berman.
For further information about the JFG, please contact Co-Presidents Steve Grabell at, 520-825-4159 or Sy Efron,, 520-825-7047.
Membership dues of $15 per person should be sent to Laurie Colen at 63845 E. Orangewood Lane.
We count on your support and encourage you to join our regular activities which are solely intended to encourage and enable the extension of Jewish friendships throughout SaddleBrooke. Please feel free to make your suggestions known to Steve or Sy in the hopes that we can work together to enhance the nature and meaning of Jewish friendship in the future.