Marilyn Anthony
The lecture on Jewish India, “Then and Now,” by Barb and Jack Rosenthal was a total sellout, and given what wonderful presenters they are, the Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) is hoping that they will agree to give it a second time to allow many more of our members to attend. The JFG is lucky to have so many members able to present on such interesting subjects! If you didn’t manage to snag a seat this February and wish to hear it, please email Marilyn Anthony.
The Book Club’s recent meeting discussed Nathan Englander’s, and to our surprise, it appears that there really is such a website. The Rosenthals (yes, they are having a busy season) led a most interesting discussion, which introduced numerous aspects of the book many of us had not considered. Of course, that is one of the purposes of being in a book club!
The Feb. 10 meeting will be hosted and led by Sandy Epstein. We will be talking about A.B. Yehoshua’s recent book The Tunnel, which chronicles obtaining the permits for building a seemingly unnecessary tunnel and the involvement of a newly retired road engineer diagnosed with dementia. Most certainly an interesting read.
Our thanks to Debbie Flato for hosting our January Ladies’ Coffee. Although our hosts are limiting the number of ladies allowed to attend due to COVID, nonetheless, the enjoyment level is not limited, and we so appreciate these get-togethers. The Feb. 17 Coffee is being hosted by Bonnie Lasky and is again limited to the first 20 women who RSVP.
March brings us two events (COVID allowing, of course). On Feb. 15, the JFG is co-hosting a Purim Hamantaschen and Dessert Bash with their sister organization, the Institute for Judaic Services and Studies, at the SaddleBrooke One Activity Center at 7 p.m. Party goers are urged (although not required) to come in costume, with prizes being offered for the best ones. We are looking forward to a taste of home with Brooklyn-baked hamantaschen and some homemade goodies from our members. The festival mandates that we drink enough to not know the difference between Mordechai and Haman, making this a lively festival. Given fire regulations, the number of people allowed is limited. Fully vaccinated/boosted members should reserve their spots by contacting Joan Elder at [email protected].
Our second March event is our ever-popular potluck on March 23, also at the Activity Center. Again, reservations are required, as well as coordinating your preferred contribution to the meal by contacting Sherry Marmorstein at [email protected].
By now, all members should have submitted their annual dues of $18 per person to Laurie Colen. Membership is mandatory to attend our programs.
For more information about the JFG, contact Marilyn Anthony at 520-812-1455 or [email protected].