Jewish Friendship Group news

Marilyn Anthony

The JFG is holding the traditional Christmas Eve Jewish dinner at Sakura Sushi (next to the Market Place Theater) with a choice of Sushi or Chinese food. Please email your choice to Sherry at to say if you are coming and what you wish to order from the menu previously sent out. The restaurant has a much more extensive menu, but this is the only way they can serve 40 or 50 people in a timely manner. Those who wish to see a movie afterward can do so very conveniently since the theater is next door.

The JFG will have the entire restaurant from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. for a private party so come out and do Christmas Eve as Jews have done for decades.

By now, hopefully, you should have reserved for the always popular JFG Chanukah Party, which takes place on December 28. Dinner will be brisket or salmon with latkes, vegetables and pecan pie. Cost is $15 for members $17 for non-members. Please get your checks to Laurie Colen by December 21. Should members wish to sit together, they must notify the Board well in advance of the number in their party and must all be present in order to be seated together or wait until the last person arrives for seating. As on previous occasions, there is no saving of seats.

As in past years at our Chanukah dinner, the JFG will be conducting a collection of toys and arts and crafts for the sick children at the Diamond Children’s Center. The children will greatly appreciate your gift so please don’t forget to bring one along.

On January 25 we meet at the Mesquite Grill for a Mediterranean Buffet with Mediterranean green salad, lemon garlic chicken, herb crusted cod with red sauce, couscous, ratatouille and flat bread. Cookies and coffee will end the evening. Pricing and reservation details will be known shortly.

There will be a no-hostess Ladies’ Coffee on December 15 at 10:00 a.m. at the MountainView Bistro. We will all meet and sit together but each lady will be responsible for whatever she orders. There is no need to RSVP – just come and meet your friends.

The Co-Ed Book Club meets on January 12 to discuss The Yiddish Policeman Union by Michael Chabon. Details will follow.

It is once again time to renew your membership in the JFG in the amount of $18 per person for 2017. Please send checks to Laurie Colen.

The Board of the JFG is currently planning future activities. If you have any suggestions for events, please do contact any Board member. Conversely, should you be unhappy with any events we put on, please let us know. We count on your support and encourage you to join our regular activities which are solely intended to encourage Jewish friendships throughout SaddleBrooke.

For further information about the JFG, please contact co-Presidents Steve Grabell (, 520-825-4159) or Sy Efron (, 520-825-7047.