Outgoing SaddleBrooke Hiking Club President Larry Allen, second from left, with three of the new 2015/16 club officers (from left): Fred Norris treasurer, Tim Butler associate chief hiking guide and Randy Park vice president.
Karen Schickedanz
SaddleBrooke Hiking Club members attending the club’s spring picnic in April elected officers for the 2015-2016 hiking season. They are Mike Wolters president, Randy Park vice president, Laurie Foster secretary, Fred Norris treasurer and Tim Butler associate chief hiking guide. Dave Sorenson, formerly associate chief hiking guide, succeeded Susan Hollis as chief hiking guide. Susan and Melissa Simpson, the former treasurer, retired from the hiking club board after many years of service.
In addition, special recognition was given this year to two club members for their contributions to the club in a variety of ways: Martha Hackworth and Elisabeth Wheeler.
The club provided the main entrée at the picnic which was held for the first time at Riverfront Park in Oro Valley. Attendees contributed side dishes, salads and desserts. All agreed the picnic was a great success thanks to committee members Mary Jo Bellner Swartzberg, LaVerne Kyriss, Becky Hilst, Mary Kopp, Pam Vassllo and Lonnee Plattner.