Category: December 2021

Great Decisions to Convene in January

Great Decisions is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The 2022 SaddleBrooke Great Decisions program will begin on Monday, Jan. 3, at 3 p.m. Meetings will be held twice a month, January through April. All meetings will be in the East Ballroom at the MountainView Clubhouse. SaddleBrooke members read the Great Decisions Briefing Book,…

SBWGA-18 Swings into the New Year – 2022

Venetia Hobson Lewis Time sweeps past, sending another year our way with seemingly advancing speed. Yet, SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association-18 (SBWGA-18) keeps swinging, on and off the course. Starting out November in high style was Bonnie Westra, who aced SaddleBrooke number 2. Hitting her ball with a number eight hybrid, she watched as that little…

Word of the Month: Irenic

  David Zapatka Friend, fellow bridge enthusiast, and reader Maria Davis wrote, “I came across this word today as I was flying to Miami. I rarely get five hours of uninterrupted reading time! I was reading Essays on Ethics by Jonathan Sachs, so he used the British spelling ‘eirenic,’ which is closer to the original Greek word.…

Moving People Forward—From Surviving to Thriving

Barbara McClure, Executive Director of IMPACT of Southern Arizona Many thousands of people in Southern Arizona are just getting by, at various levels of stability, lacking the resources and confidence to reach an improved quality of life that includes greater self-sufficiency. During the pandemic, more than 60 million Americans turned to food banks for assistance.…

Spooktacular Halloween Social

Cindy Madsen The SaddleBrooke Tennis and POP Tennis Club (STC) hosted a spooktacular Halloween social for all STC members and their guests on Oct. 31. The event started with all club members playing in a mixed social of tennis and POP Tennis, and some were daring enough to play in their costumes on a gorgeous…

Cyclemasters Keep Rides Going!

B.J. Murray If you are not in Cyclemasters, you missed something fun on Saturday, Nov. 27. Our group had the Thanksgiving t-ride, where we did our usual breaking into ride groups for an hour-long ride, but then we had a fun trivia game afterward. One of our ride leaders for the Semi-Hot riders, Linda Merritt,…

 MPWGA Celebrates America

Ann Lange The MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) hosted their annual Member/Guest Tournament, proudly boasting the theme Celebrate America. Our word “celebrate” comes from the Latin celebrare, “to assemble to honor.” Ninety-two members and guests, golf and country lovers, assembled on Nov. 2 and 3 to honor America, all wearing their colors of pride: red,…

Fun With Friends

Melanie Einbund A new breath! Until recently, all of us have experienced a hunkering down of activities and things to do and seclusion. Many thanks to the Senior Village vaccination program, which, in a large part, allows us to resume our activities and create new ones! Fun With Friends has answered that call! We supply…

Mike Owens Brings Gold Home from Las Vegas

Raymond H. Goettsch SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association member Mike Owens, age 63, participated in the Pro Pickleball Association Championship tournament in Las Vegas from Oct. 21 to 24. Mike and his partner, Keith Sturdivant, age 63, of SaddleBrooke Ranch, played in the 5.0 men’s doubles section. Due to the number of participants, the 60+ players and…