Category: Generals

Autumn Fun at the Lavender Farm!

Carolyn Blair Life Under the Oaks Lavender Farm will start the autumn season off with our annual Bluegrass BBQ Dinner on Saturday, Sept. 30th! Big Daddy’s BBQ will prepare the delicious meal. The farm is located in the quaint community of Oracle at 1221 North Rancho Robles Road. Our farm is a unique and beautiful…

We Hate ‘em and Need ‘em, So Which HOA Rules?

Andrea Molberg Most of us spent years longing for the day when parents, teachers, and bosses wouldn’t be telling us what to do. Demand people do something, and they resist. Conversely, tell someone they can’t do something and, suddenly, the something looks awfully good. Though we dream of being in charge and having things our way,…

SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk October 21-22

Linda Shannon-Hills Save the dates! The SaddleBrooke Ranch ARTwalk will be on Saturday, Oct. 21, from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m., and again on Sunday, Oct. 22, from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. for an open-studio tour. Artists will be showing their work in their home studios and groups in the Creative Arts and Tech…

Paulette Was Selected

Stuart Watkins The SaddleBrooke TWO Champions of Gratitude selected Paulette Kasperski as their Resident Champion of 2023. Many tennis and POP tennis players were among the voters who helped nominate her for this certificate of appreciation. Paulette’s family was visiting when she received notice that she had been selected. What an honor to be selected,…

United SaddleBrooke’s August Community Information Meeting

United SaddleBrooke Board About 30 people attended the Aug. 16 community information meeting of United SaddleBrooke, an organization devoted to the unification of SaddleBrooke government. The audience was treated to an interview by President Bill Bengen with SaddleBrooke One Board Director Kathleen Sartoris, after which attendees had the opportunity to ask questions. The theme of Kathleen’s…

United SaddleBrooke: Hold These Dates!

United SaddleBrooke (US) is pleased to announce it is sponsoring an appearance by world-renowned financial advisor Bill Bengen to speak on the topic of “The 4% Rule & Your Retirement.” The FREE lecture will take place at the DesertView Theater on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 1 p.m. Bengen, an MIT graduate and SaddleBrooke resident for four…

A Red Hot Summer Beckons a Cool Spring Play

Jim Ward Whew, it’s been a rough summer so far … blistering heat, mean monsoons, threatening thunderstorms, wicked wildfires, alarming air quality, a meandering mountain lion, and insufferable inflation. However, there is one thing that we can celebrate. Your Community Circle Players (CCP) Executive Committee has been meeting in a clandestine underground bunker planning another…

Did You Have a Good Night’s Sleep?

Rev. Suzanne Marlatt Stewart It has been my observation that, for many of us in our conversations, “sleep” is a popular topic, especially lack of sleep. We cannot escape the truth that everything is connected, including how we live during the day and how we put ourselves to bed that night. The fact of the…

Come and Sing and Ring at Vista!

Sharon Scanlan Raise your voice as a member of the Vista Chancel Choir this fall! Rehearsals will be held in the Sanctuary on Wednesday afternoons and Wednesday evenings (choose one or both!) beginning Sept. 6 (the exact times will be announced). The ability to read music is helpful but not required, and the ability to…