Paulette Was Selected

Stuart Watkins

The SaddleBrooke TWO Champions of Gratitude selected Paulette Kasperski as their Resident Champion of 2023. Many tennis and POP tennis players were among the voters who helped nominate her for this certificate of appreciation.

Paulette’s family was visiting when she received notice that she had been selected. What an honor to be selected, and what a pleasure to have her family enjoy the announcement.

Paulette has been instrumental in promoting POP tennis by forming a website for players to sign up to play on days and times that are different from the organized play schedule run by the SaddleBrooke Tennis Center (STC). Many beginners learn about POP tennis by playing with members who use Paulette’s sign-up site. All are encouraged to join the SaddleBrooke Tennis Center so they can play in organized events run by the STC.

The welcoming spirit and enthusiasm exhibited by Paulette have been a major factor in beginners becoming intermediate-level players. Paulette never discourages and always encourages. Her efforts have caused POP tennis membership to grow, and also membership in STC.

Paulette was caught by surprise when she received the email stating that she had been selected. Those who voted for her know she deserved the award and are glad she was selected as Resident Champion.