Herb Kranze Friday the 13th turned out to be a lucky and great day for the Jeff Shields—Charles Schwab fifth annual Senior Men’s Putting Tournament. The namesake of the tournament, Jeff Shields, presented a check to Steve Tepper from the American Diabetes Association for $1,600. Joe Fiorito presented a $900 check to Cynthia Holmes from…
Category: Sports
Sports, September 2019
SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) offers introductory lessons for beginners
Shawne Cryderman Any SaddleBrooke resident is welcome to attend the introductory lesson. The focus of the introductory lesson is to allow people of all ages and skills to have the opportunity to get on the court and play this fun, phenomenal, full of “good times” game. At the end of the intro lesson, participants will…
Sports, September 2019
SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch Table Tennis Competition
Joe Macher The table tennis clubs of SaddleBrooke and SaddleBrooke Ranch resumed their competition at the Ranch in late August. A total of 18 singles and doubles matches were played. In very competitive play, SaddleBrooke defeated the Ranchers 11 to seven. This is the third meeting between the clubs, and another in October is being scheduled.…
Sports, September 2019
MPMGA takes third place in annual putting tournament
Jim Donat For the last five years, SaddleBrooke One’s Men’s Putters has hosted a putting tournament at their facility. The tournament consists of 18 four-man teams representing various clubs from around Tucson. The tournament was held on September 13 this year on SaddleBrooke One’s putting green. SaddleBrooke TWO’s men’s league, MPMGA, entered two teams in…
Sports, September 2019
SBWGA- 18 aces and tournaments – or not

Marsha Camp Congratulation to our September Aces, Eila Salaberry and Sandra Murray. Sandra finished with a gross score of 80 and Eila carded a net 59. That’s some incredibly great play. The Sampson and Delilah tournament with the Men’s club was a huge success. Monday, Sept. 9, was a full field event and the shamble/scramble format…
Sports, September 2019
Bee-Cuz We Care Golf Tournament pulls out all the stops

Ret Convey Anyone can tell the ladies of the SaddleBrooke Women’s Golf Association (SBWGA) and Niners are up to something… the question is, What? Let’s face it, they’re handing us this year’s Bee-Cuz We Care Cancer tournament on a silver platter— making it so easy and cheap, we’d be nuts to pass it up! For…
Sports, September 2019
Niners back to the Brooke

Duane Kupper With the beginning of fall, the snowbirds begin their migration to the south. This phenomenon was noticeable as witnessed by the great attendance for the LAGOS Tournament. The annual Ladies’ Amalgamated Golf of SaddleBrooke (LAGOS) tournament, a joint tournament for the Niners and 18ers, was held on Sept. 24. Both leagues alternate hosting this…
Sports, September 2019
Labor Day tourney features Wall of Fame inductees

Mark Hojnacki Even a light downpour at the start of game three couldn’t dampen the spirits of those playing and a good crowd in attendance who witnessed three games at the SaddleBrooke softball complex. The highlight of the day were those past and present members who were honored as contributors and players over the past…
Sports, September 2019
MountainView-Preserve Couples Golf for November
Dan Hoshino The November tournament for the MountainView-Preserve Couples Golf will be held Saturday, Nov. 9, at the MountainView Golf Course. It will be a 12:30 p.m. shotgun start, and the format will be a two-person, one net best ball; couples may pick their foursome. This event will be followed by dinner. Details to be provided at…
Sports, September 2019
Hot summer on the golf courses

Eileen J Snearly Not only are the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners looking forward to cooler temperatures, but for the return of the snowbird members as well. During the summer months the Low Gross and Low Net matches continued, and will continue into the fall and winter. After a morning of golf on Sept. 10, the members…