Category: Generals

A Bit Late, but … May Is Jewish American Heritage Month

Melanie Einbund The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of Jewish Americans who helped form the fabric of American history, culture, and society. A Few Thoughts: The National…

Senior Villiage at SaddleBrooke – June 2024

When to Stop Driving: Senior Village Offers a Safe Alternative As we age, our ability to drive safely can diminish due to declining vision, slowed reaction times, and other age-related changes. Recognizing when it’s time to stop driving can be a challenging decision, but it’s a crucial one for your safety and the safety of…

Unit Happenings – June 2024

Snakes, Bobcats, Coyotes, Packrats—Oh My! Candace Brockey and Claudia Amaral On a very warm Tuesday afternoon, 50 homeowners in Unit 3N joined in a happy hour to enjoy adult beverages, appetizers, and friendship. After a brief business meeting, the group was introduced to our guest speakers Jim Cloer and Tom Dowell. Both are members of…

Oracle Schools Foundation – June 2024

Celebrating Our Success! Ann Vernon Members of the Oracle Schools Foundation Spring Fling Gala planning committee met at the home of Ann and Nile Vernon to celebrate a successful event that raised over $65,000 to help support kindergarten prep and related educational programs in the Mountain Vista School District in Oracle. This has been our…

B’nai Midbar Events

Melanie Einbund On May 15, we took a trip to the Tucson Jewish Museum, which we explored with a docent. Tucson Jewish history was the topic. The museum is the location of the first Jewish temple in the Southwest and the Holocaust Center. It was an adventure of education and noshing—what fun! Shavuot is a…

Come Y’all, ‘Bee a Friend’

EJ Snearly An event that is held yearly was previously called “Bring a Friend.” The Bring a Friend Committee decided that “Bee a Friend” would more accurately describe the event. You can “Bring a Friend,” but to “Bee a Friend” is very special. The MPLN golf league embodies the spirit of being a friend. The…

Dance Instructor Turns 90

Linda Berg and Paulette Kasperski On April 22, eight dance students honored their much-loved line dance instructor Nancy Parker. Resplendent in black cowboy hats, boots, and matching red shirts, they greeted her with gifts and homemade cupcakes following their normal Monday line dance class at the DesertView clubhouse. As was their practice, it was common…

MountainView Collegiate Women’s Golf Tournament Needs You!

Each year SaddleBrooke hosts the MountainView Collegiate Women’s Golf Tournament, and 2024 did not disappoint! SaddleBrooke has been hosting this tournament for over 25 years, and this tournament is unique in that the players and coaches are housed in SaddleBrooke host homes. All the players are outstanding young women, and the coaches really appreciate the…

World War II: So Many Books!

Virginia Bynum June 6, 2024, was the 80th anniversary of D-Day! World War II (WWII) history books are the most popular nonfiction titles in your SaddleBrooke Community Libraries. Patrons have shown extraordinary interest in all matters relating to World War II. Because the nonfiction section is organized by subject, this is a good time for…