Category: June 2021

The Desert Gems

Kathy Kortus and Ron Bouchard The Desert Gems 7.0 women’s 65 and older team won the league and will go to sectionals Dec. 3 through 5. Since SaddleBrooke restricted court use to members only, the team was lucky to be able to use the Oro Valley courts as home base. The team played a total of…

Democrats Hear News About Finchem Recall

Mike Nickerson The SaddleBrooke Democratic Club (SBDC) had their monthly Zoom meeting on May 11. Chesney Richter, head of the non-partisan Rural Arizonans for Accountability (RAZA), was the speaker. Currently, RAZA is working to recall Mark Finchem, one of two representatives to the Arizona House of Representatives from Legislative District 11, which includes SaddleBrooke. Richter…

Books Come in All Sizes

Stuart Watkins A poet friend from Phoenix mailed me a copy of her handmade, self-published book Some POEMS by M.C. Little. She did it all without going through a major publishing firm, without sending her poems to various publishers for acceptance, without contacting agents to seek their approval. No, she did it herself. Yes, Marlene Little…

Lights, Staging, and Costumes

Andrea Molberg SaddleBrooke’s theatre group, Community Circle Players (CCP), is eagerly getting ready to bring back live theatre performances. Not only has CCP been dressing up the MountainView stage with new paint, curtains, and lighting, CCP directors and crew tried dressing up themselves with new items in CCP’s costume collection. Thanks go to Sheila Muehling,…

MountainView Bridge Club

Ann Kuperberg The MountainView Bridge Club is now open. Games are held every Tuesday at 1 p.m. in MountainView’s Catalina Room. Bring your own water and mask. For further information, contact club president JoAnn Aiken at 520-256-2702 or, or visit our website at With summer flowers in bloom, we can enjoy the scenery as we…

Meet the Board of Directors: Ted Sivalon

Ken Marich The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) is proud to introduce board member Ted Sivalon, who serves as the registrar. Ted was born and raised in Butte, Mont. In high school, he was good in math and had an excellent physics teacher who spurred his interest in physics. After high school, he moved to…

SBWGA-18: Birding in SaddleBrooke

Venetia Hobson Lewis Birding is a popular activity in Arizona. Quite a few important habitats are located within our state for spotting that elusive winged beauty in flight: Madera Canyon, Chiricahua National Monument, the Grand Canyon, Patagonia Lake State Park, and many more. SaddleBrooke is not without its own bird sanctuaries. About four years ago, SBWGA-18…

Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program Update

Esta Goldstein Schedule Second Friday and fourth Tuesday Friday, June 11, 10 a.m. to noon Tuesday, June 22, 2 to 4 p.m. Location Pinal County Sheriff’s Substation (a few doors down from Bank of the West) No liquids, syringes, creams, or sharps are accepted. Everyone entering the facility must wear a mask. Medications must be in…