Category: Generals

Prescription Drug Drop-Off Program

Location: Pinal County Sheriff’s substation (a few stores away from Bank of the West) Schedule: Second Friday of the month from 10 a.m. to noon and fourth Tuesday of the month from 2 to 4 p.m. Dates: Friday, April 8, and Tuesday, April 28 Friday, May 13, and Tuesday, May 24 Friday, June 10, and Tuesday,…

April at the Golden Goose

Spring is a time of renewal, a time for new beginnings. While the desert blooms around you, come to the Goose to find everything you need to create your spring DIY makeovers for a fraction of retail! Easter is already in full bloom at the Goose! Find and fill your Easter baskets with goodness from the…

Cut the Clutter by Shredding Old Paperwork

Nancy McCluskey-Moore Bring your outdated paper files to the Shredding and Recycling event on Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to noon (or until the truck is full). The event, hosted by Long Realty-Golder Ranch, SaddleBrooke Community Outreach, and the Beacon Foundation, will be held on the SaddleBrooke One bocce ball courts. All documents are…

Save the Date for Health Fair

Phyllis Ketring, Publicity Coordinator The 2022 Health Fair is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to noon. Exhibitors will be located at both SaddleBrooke One and MountainView, with parking at MountainView and shuttle service between the locations. It is never too soon to volunteer for the morning of the Health Fair. Volunteers work…

Health Fair Needs Volunteer Coordinator

The Health Fair Planning Committee seeks someone who enjoys working with people to recruit and coordinate the volunteers for the day of the Health Fair. The volunteer coordinator works with a group of team leaders who assist with assignments and training for their teams. This person needs the ability to communicate well, manage the volunteer…

Unit Happenings

Unit 17 Goes Green on the 17th! Barbara Barr St. Patrick’s Day always calls for a night of emerald merriment in our unit. Linda Gray and Frank Buck love to host this special evening for Unit 17 on March 17, and such a great time was had by all! The annual St. Patrick’s Day Party…

Volunteers Kept the Libraries Going During the Pandemic

Sharon Scanlan, Cathy Schaber, Bernice Christian, and Laura Benson Despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, all three libraries never wavered in offering outstanding library service to the community. We could not have done this without a core group of very dedicated volunteers who were willing to work, even with all the restrictions and changes.…

Sonoran Singers Looking for New Director

Are you a talented musician, piano player, choral director? The Sonoran Singers, all SaddleBrooke residents, are a fun-loving group of women who have been a devoted chorus since 2001. Recently, we lost our dear director, Janie Grinstead, when she and her husband made the decision to move back to South Carolina. We currently have a…

Editorial Reminder

Hello, SaddleBrooke submitters! This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the May edition is April 26 by 4 p.m. Please send your submissions on time, and early if possible! You can email your submissions to or try our new submission link:

SaddleBrooke Community Outreach

Volunteer Motivated by Love of ‘The Kids’ Nancy McCluskey-Moore Kris Sallee moved to SaddleBrooke four years ago from San Diego. For 29 years, she worked as a bookkeeper and auditor for Vons, a grocery store chain now owned by Safeway. Before retiring, she worked in accounting for a nonprofit mental health system. For many of…