Category: January 2023

News from the SaddleBrooke Softball World!

Fredrick King Mitchell, Jr. (aka Mitch) Well, fellow softballers, fans, and friends, the deadline for the SaddleBrooke Progress is always around the 26th, and so it’s upon me again here on Christmas Eve. Softball is on a three-week hiatus right now and begins play again on Jan. 9, so we will be in the first or second…

A River Runs Under It

Linda Lyon Continually working to improve conditions at the SaddleBrooke Dog Park, the volunteer maintenance crew recently added another project to their long list of completed upgrades. This one addressed a hazard that occurs when water runs through the “wild side” of the park after a heavy rain. The more developed small dog and big…

Senior Village at SaddleBrooke

Best Party at the Beach! Kelli Beasley You don’t want to miss this, so mark your calendar now! On Saturday, April 1 (no foolin’) Beach Bash 2023 will take you and your friends from the desert to the beach for an evening of dancing and frivolity. Talk to anyone who attended the last Beach Bash…

It Only Takes Sixty Seconds

Stuart Watkins It takes forty seconds to say “Thank you Lord,” ten times It takes twenty seconds to say the Lord’s Prayer. What a wonderful way to start each day and it only takes sixty seconds. Thank you Lord Amen.

SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network

Pet Rescue’s Fashion Show/Luncheon a Huge Success This year’s SaddleBrooke Pet Rescue Network’s (SBPRN) fundraiser was a huge success! Because of the response, we were able to continue holding the fashion show/luncheon on two days again this year! Ticket sales, raffle sales, and Calle Rose sales exceeded all expectations! We thank everyone who made this possible.…

Volunteer at the Golden Goose

Something wonderful happens when you become a member of the “Goose Gang.” Our volunteers have more fun! They tend to be healthier and consistently report being happier after becoming part of the Golden Goose Thrift Shop family. Young, old, working, retired—it doesn’t matter. Volunteering is good for everyone. It’s a great way to support our…

Walking on the HOA2 Golf Courses on Winter Days

Michael Leesley, SaddleBrooke TWO Rules and Regulations Committee Walking is a great way to enjoy the wonderful views and fresh air of SaddleBrooke. It’s healthy, too. The shorter days of winter affect how we prepare and where to go. We’ll look at the rules regarding walking on our golf courses at MountainView and The Preserve…