2 Your Health: Why Didn’t I Try a Chiropractor First?

Dr. Craig Brue, D.C.

This month I want to tell you the story about John’s experience with severe back and leg pain. This story is important because it exemplifies the common mistakes that many patients make in their choices for the treatment of back and neck pain. Like most individuals who experience severe back pain and leg pain, John’s first decision was to see his medical doctor. The doctor advised John that his pain was due to muscle spasm, and he prescribed a muscle relaxant and pain pills. When that didn’t help, John’s doctor ordered an MRI study. This study confirmed spinal stenosis; the compression of spinal nerves.

Because drug therapy didn’t help, John’s physician recommended an evaluation by a spine surgeon. The spine doctor felt that the condition was not serious enough to recommend invasive surgery, explaining that back surgery increases the risk of infection, subsequent degeneration, and surgical failure. The spine surgeon told John to consult with a pain management clinic.

The pain management doctor recommended a series of epidural spine injections. The shots seemed to help a little, but within a short time, John’s back pain and leg pain always returned. The pain management doctor explained that he was only treating the symptoms and told John to try physical therapy.

John’s physical therapist recommended a program that included exercises and traction. John continued the therapy program for six weeks with no significant benefit. The therapist eventually sent John on his way, suggesting that he continue with exercises and anti-inflammatory medication.

After four months of ineffective treatments, John had almost given up when one of his friends suggested that a chiropractor might be helpful. Upon arriving at our office, John was evaluated and X-rayed. The standing X-rays showed a pelvic imbalance related to a congenitally short leg, a moderate lumbar spinal curvature, advanced disc degeneration at L4/5 and L5/sacrum, and a posterior slip of L5 on the sacrum.

John was advised that the back and leg pain was due to the misalignment of the lower back. Chiropractic spinal adjustments were recommended as the most likely treatment to relieve this chronic condition. After six spinal adjustments of the L5/sacrum area, the back and leg pain miraculously disappeared.

What can one learn from John’s experience? Chronic back pain is often related to your spine’s underlying structure. Vertebral misalignment will cause disc and nerve pain. Chiropractors treat the cause of back pain, not the symptoms. The good news: Spinal adjustments often work even after other treatments have failed.

My recommendation: Consider chiropractic care before drugs, shots, and surgery. If you are experiencing chronic back and neck pain, put a great chiropractor on your health team. Spinal adjustments are often the safest and most effective way to relieve chronic pain. You may have nothing to lose except the pain you are experiencing.

Dr. Craig Brue is an author, lecturer, and chiropractic provider in SaddleBrooke, Ariz. For questions or information, please visit bruechiropractic.com.