2 Your Health – November 2014

Editor’s Note: “2 Your Health” is a new column in the SaddleBrooke Progress dedicated to health issues. Each month different doctors and or medical associations, from varying specialties, will be writing on issues of importance. Articles are based on experiences and independent research conducted by the doctors or medical associations. We encourage anyone considering changing medications and or altering medical therapy, as a result of information contained in these articles, to consult your doctor first. Robson Publishing, a division of Robson Communities, Inc. is not liable for information contained in these articles.

How bones become stronger with exercise

Katia Cardenas

Bone becomes stronger when subjected to mechanical stress such as weight lifting. When under stress bone tissue deposits more of the mineral salts that lend strength to bone. When the same stress is removed, bone cells (called osteoclasts) go to work and tear down the unnecessary bone.

Why bones thicken during exercise is rather interesting. Evidently, stress on bone causes the calcium phosphate crystals to produce tiny currents of electricity. This is referred to as the piezoelectric effect. This tiny amount of electricity stimulates bone building cells (osteoblasts) to go to work, and bones become thicker, particularly in the areas receiving stress.

Let’s remember that the bone is living tissue and the best way to build bone density is through weight bearing exercises (forces you to work against gravity). Examples of weight bearing exercises are jogging, hiking, dancing, walking and weight training. Bicycling and swimming help maintain your bones, but are not the best way to build bone tissue (Bone density).

Why would you want strong bones? To prevent, improve and sometimes stop the degenerative process of all bone disease like arthritis, osteoporosis and osteopenia. If you have strong bones you could prevent fractures due to falling and could prevent shrinking (as we age we will lose two to five inches of length) due to bad posture and weak bones.

Women should have a minimum of around 90 pounds of lean mass (All body tissue except storage fat. Lean body mass is made up of structural and functional elements in cells, body water, muscle, bones and other body organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys) and men should have a minimum of around 120 pounds of lean mass to avoid and prevent bone diseases.

Some bone problems can be genetic/autoimmune disorders and you have to be careful upon choosing what type of physical activity is best for you. Consult with your doctor and join our fitness classes for exercises and tips on how to live better, happier and healthier.

Do spinal adjustments hurt?

Craig W. Brue, D.C.

Are you experiencing chronic back and neck pain? Are you afraid that chiropractic care might make you worse? Have you heard that spinal adjustments hurt? The purpose of this article is to inform you about the options for chiropractic treatment that are safe, effective and painless.

During my 40 years of treating painful spine conditions, I have often heard this concern expressed, “I’m afraid to have my spine adjusted because it might hurt.” I completely understand that a patient who is experiencing pain doesn’t want to have the condition worsened with aggressive treatment.

If you have a concern that a chiropractic adjustment might hurt or make you worse, I have good news for you. Spinal adjustments do not have to hurt. Adjustments can be done safely and effectively without the cracking, snapping and popping of spinal vertebrae.

Just as lasers have replaced some scalpels, chiropractors are now able to utilize spinal adjusting instruments that are very safe and effective. The two main adjusting instruments that are used in the treatment of spinal pain are called the Activator and Impulse adjusting instruments. These instruments allow a chiropractor to use a very precise, controlled tapping style of spinal adjustment. An instrument adjustment is approximately 100 times faster than an adjustment that is done by hand.

There is one main difference between an Activator and an Impulse adjusting instrument. The Impulse adjusting instrument is able to deliver spinal adjustments in a repetitive matter. I call it the woodpecker principle. A woodpecker is able to do something no other bird can do. A woodpecker’s beak can quickly change the appearance of your house by the process of speed and repetition. Likewise a repetitive, tapping method of spinal adjustment will help to make precise spinal corrections through speed and repetition. Does either the Activator or Impulse adjustment hurt? The answer is no. Are these adjustments safe and effective? The answer is yes.

What about the more aggressive method of spinal adjustment by hand? In my practice I utilize many different types of chiropractic adjustments, including spinal manipulation. Adjustments that are done by hand are also very safe and effective. However, I only do manual manipulation when I know that there are no significant complicating factors like osteoporosis, advanced osteoarthritis or compression fractures. A thorough spinal examination, including imaging studies, helps to establish what method of treatment would be best for you. Many seniors with chronic pain prefer the lighter, instrument method of precision adjustments for care.

What type of spinal adjustment is best for you?

There is no one specific type of chiropractic treatment that works best for everyone. Chiropractic care, like spinal surgery, is both a science and an art. Recommendations for care must be unique to each patient.

If you have questions about instrument adjustments for spine pain, go to these websites for further information: goimpulse.com and activator.com.

Dr. Craig Brue is an author, lecturer and chiropractic provider in SaddleBrooke, Arizona.