WOOO members went to the movies and then had dinner out.
Liz Boyd
WOOO is an organization for women who are on their own (single and not in a committed relationship) who want to stay active and enjoy life with friends. We maintain a busy schedule, with activities to suit any interest.
Each month, we have four dinner events open to members, a great way to meet new friends. The four dinners include one at a restaurant, another one at an interesting ethnic restaurant, one close to home in one of the SaddleBrooke restaurants, and one potluck dinner at a member’s home. WOOO members receive information on these dining opportunities each month and can choose to carpool with other members. We also have a wine-tasting group, which sponsors wine tastings in members’ homes and occasional trips to wineries (contact Jean Israel at sjisrael@aol.com).
In addition, the following activities take place in the MountainView clubhouse:
Progressive Hand and Foot Canasta at 6 p.m. on the first and third Monday of each month (contact Susan Williams atsusanfw1010@gmail.com);
Game Night, playing a variety of card and board games, at 6 p.m. on the last Wednesday of the month (contact Jan Maresca at janmaresca@gmail.com);
Mah Jongg at 2 p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of the month (contact Brenda McBride at bmcb.ret@gmail.com);
Book Club, meeting for breakfast and book discussion at 9 a.m. on the fourth Friday of the month (contact Brenda McBride at bmcb.ret@gmail.com).
We also arrange excursions to places and events near Tucson, for example, to the Tucson Rodeo held in March (for these activities, contact Ruthe Bergener at blueskiescolorado930@gmail.com). All activities are limited to members who have been fully vaccinated against COVID. If you would like to join us, please contact our president Dee Berisha at 520-906-2626 or at Deeberisha@gmail.com. There is a one-time fee of $12 to join.