Phil Simpson On July 6, with the infamous desert heat having settled in, 26 SaddleBrooke residents dipped their toes and ultimately their entire beings, into the cool waters of the DesertView pool, embarking on a four week, eight session Let’s Swim clinic, hosted by the SaddleBrooke Swim Club. The clinics, the second of which also…
Tag: Swim Club
Sports, October 2016
Swim Club program returns
The Let’s Swim program was so successful this summer that, because of the number of requests, it is being offered a second time! If you have thoughts about getting back in the water but feel out of shape, lack the motivation to swim alone and the idea of joining a practice alongside competitive swimmers somewhat…
Sports, June 2016
Centenarians swim to all-time U.S. Masters National Marks
Phil Simpson On April 26 SaddleBrooke’s DesertView Pool was the site of a truly remarkable event as the SaddleBrooke Swim Club hosted a U.S. Masters Swimming sanctioned meet open only to centenarians, those swimmers 100 years of age and over. The atmosphere at DesertView was electric as an up-tempo sound tract provided by David Fuller…
Sports, April 2015
SaddleBrooke Swimmers “Smokin” at Polar Bear Swim Meet!
SaddleBrooke Swim Club assembled a relatively small team of 28 swimmers to race at the twenty-fifth annual Polar Bear Swim Meet hosted by Tucson’s Ford Aquatic Swim Club at University of Arizona on January 25. While official team and individual scores were not tabulated, indications are that the team finished a close second to the…
May 2014
Karen Warner brings medals home from first meet
Jack Fritz Karen Warner, a former high school swimmer, joined the SaddleBrooke Swim Club last year and has been working out with the assistance of Head Coach Doug Springer to improve her technique and fitness. She has improved to such a level that she recognized her old high school form and felt confident enough to…