Shawne Cryderman Any SaddleBrooke resident is welcome to attend this introductory lesson. At the end of the intro lesson, participants will have the knowledge of the basics of the game and be encouraged to join SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) and continue with the Assisted Play program. The only prerequisite or “must have” for the intro…
Tag: SPA
Sports, January 2021
Northridge Dental Sponsors a Pickleball Court!
Nancy Dowell The SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) is thrilled to announce that Northridge Dental, located in Catalina, has confirmed a donation to SaddleBrooke’s new Pickleball Complex. Their generous financial support will be acknowledged with a plaque on one of the pickleball courts. Family-owned Northridge Dental opened in 2004. The warm, modern, and inviting office provides…
Sports, October 2020
Pickleball Press—Player Development Program
Nancy Dowell Membership in SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) is on the rise. The summer has seen a spike in new memberships, and the club could not be more delighted to welcome the new members. Once a resident becomes a member of SPA, he or she may take advantage of all the player development program has…
Sports, September 2020
SPA Offers Introductory Lessons for Beginners
Shawne Cryderman Any SaddleBrooke resident is welcome to attend the introductory lesson. The focus of the introductory lesson is to allow people of all ages and skills to have the opportunity to get on the court and play this fun, phenomenal, full of “good times” game. At the end of the intro lesson, participants will…
Sports, September 2020
Pickleball Press: Pickleball Is the Perfect “Social Distance” Sport
Nancy Dowell With the 7’ “kitchen” on either side of the net and the optimal 6’ separation between partners, pickleball seems to be the perfect sport given the current health concerns. It is clear that personal distance recommendations are going to be in place for much longer than anyone might have anticipated. It is important…
Sports, July 2020
Pickleball Press: Harvey Durand—A Fighter On and Off the Court
Nancy Dowell Fighter might be too strong a word when we think of SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) member, Harvey Durand. Anyone who has played pickleball with Harvey knows that he is a fierce and skilled competitor, but he also always has a huge smile on his face on and off the court. When Harvey faced…
Generals, January 2020
SPA Offers Introductory Lesson for Beginners
Shawne Cryderman Any SaddleBrooke resident is welcome to attend this introductory lesson. The focus of the introductory lesson is to allow people of all ages and skills to have the opportunity to get on the court and play this fun, phenomenal, full of good time’s game. At the end of the intro lesson, participants will…
Sports, November 2019
Pickleball press
Nancy Dowell What is happening with the new courts? This is a topic important to SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association (SPA) members and the SaddleBrooke community. Steady progress has been made to add eight additional courts, a covered gathering area, and restrooms. This project is primarily funded by SPA members (numbering 641 at the last count), with…
Sports, June 2018
SPA participates in Adopt-a-Highway program
Mark Van Matre, VP of SPA SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association members participated in cleaning up a portion of Edwin Road on May 22, 2018, as part of Pinal County’s “Adopt-a-Highway” program. Front row left to right: Gail Bouffard, Henriette Kraut, Ken Powers, Dale Leman, Sandy Mayer, Vennie Fernandez, Robert Perez and Donna O’Shea. Back row: Charlie…
Sports, March 2018
Want to increase fun and fitness? Try pickleball
Andrea Molberg Want to exercise more, get to know your neighbors, and have fun? Join us out on the pickleball court. You’ll see why pickleball, one of the fastest growing sports in the country, has really taken off in SaddleBrooke. This multi-generational game is both easy to play and easy to learn. Playing pickleball…