Tag: SaddleBrooke Metaphysical Group

Music as Metaphysics

On Wednesday, May 11 (new date), Randall Dighton presents an evening of music and spiritual exploration at SaddleBrooke One’s Activity Center at 7 p.m. He will not only share ballads of faith, humor, and love from his repertoire (Scots/Irish, folk, musical theater) but speak of his deep and abiding love of music for inspiration, meditation,…

Music as Metaphysics

Suzane Marlatt Stewart On Wednesday, March 9, Randall Dighton presents an evening of music and spiritual exploration. He will share not only ballads of faith, humor, and love from his repertoire (Scots/Irish, folk, musical theater), but speak of his deep and abiding love of music for his inspiration, meditation, and spiritual growth through improvisation. Randall…

Metaphysical Study Group

Glenda Anderson The Metaphysical Study Group (MSG) of SaddleBrooke invites you to join them on April 8, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Activity Center in SaddleBrooke One to welcome back Peter Sterling and his magical harps. Throughout time man has embarked on a fascinating journey to expand his awareness and explore other realms of…

Metaphysical Study Group

Glenda Anderson Please join the Metaphysical Study Group to hear Shenayda Diane Deane introduce us to this fascinating topic on Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00 p.m. The Kybalion claims to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus which is published the pseudonym of The Three Initiates. The seven Hermetic Laws or Principles are…

Lessons from the voice within

Author and guest speaker, Susan Parker

Glenda Anderson The Metaphysical Study Group (MSG) of SaddleBrooke is welcoming one of its own members, Susan Parker, to present to us on Wednesday, December 10, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. in the Coyote Room in the SaddleBrooke Clubhouse. Please note the change in meeting place for this month only. If an angel walked through your…

Save the date for MSG 2014-2015 speakers

The SaddleBrooke Metaphysical Group has lined up an impressive group of speakers for the upcoming year. Plan to join the group at the HOA 1 Activity Center at 64518 Galveston Lane on the second Wednesday of each month beginning in October for an evening of enlightenment and entertainment as we explore a variety of subjects…