Hole In One

Joe Sieverding Scores an Ace in MPMGA Event Alan Doan If you play golf at MountainView or The Preserve, you’ve surely seen Joe Sieverding’s friendly, smiling face. Sometimes he greets you on the first tee as the starter. Other times, he keeps an eye on things out on the course as a marshall. But maybe…

MPLN 2021 Club Championship Tournament Results

Eileen J. Snearly and Charlene Leach MountainView Preserve Lady Niners’ (MPLN) annual Club Championship was held on April 12 and 13 at MountainView golf courses. Congratulations go to Charlene Leach, the 2021 Club Champion, with a combined gross score over the two days. Charlene has enjoyed playing golf with the MPLN organization for many years. She and her…

MPLN’s President Barbara Bloch Wins the President’s Cup

Barbara Bloch, President's Cup Winner

Eileen J. Snearly On Nov. 2 and 3, the MountainView Preserve Lady Niner (MPLN) competed in the Presidents’ Cup golf tournament. They used separate carts and masks where appropriate. COVID-19 has changed life as we knew it. Thankfully, golf has been scheduled and played at the MountainView and Preserve courses. Luncheon after this golf event…

MPLN Golfing with Social Distancing

Golfers Julie Davis, Pat Doane, Marji Quire, and Linda Miles (pictured left to right) practicing social distancing

Eileen J. Snearly Social distancing is staying at least six-feet apart from other people and wearing masks. MountainView Preserve Lady Niners are so grateful to be golfing on SaddleBrooke TWO courses currently. They are not taking this privilege for granted. Nothing is usual on the courses, because golfers are now following CDC guidelines. Here are…

MPLN Gives Match Play a Try

Flight 1 first place winner Sue Wilson (17.5 points)

Eileen J. Snearly For four weeks in March, the MountainView Preserve Lady Niners (MPLN) participated in a modified match play format. In order to finish with a possible score, players did not give putts or concede holes. The player with a lower net score than her opponent on a given hole earned one point for…

All stand for the president – MPLN tournament results

First Flight (left to right): Pam Brown (2nd), Kay Tomaszek (3rd), and Eileen Snearly (1st)

Eileen J. Snearly The MPLN President’s Cup, two-day golf tournament was held at MountainView and Preserve Golf Clubs on Nov. 11 and 12, 2019. A delicious lunch was graciously served by the staff at The MountainView Bar and Grill. Raye Cobb led the field with the winning score and was crowned the new MPLN President’s…

MPLN State Medallion teams

Left to right: Phyllis Cadden, Mary Cummins, Linda Rouse, and Joyce Sutay.

Eileen J Snearly Each year the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) conducts their State Medallion Tournament. Both 18-hole and 9-hole leagues throughout Arizona holds competitions to see which of their members will represent their club at the AGA Championship held in January the following year. These four talented golfers have qualified for the State Medallion this…