Steve Kotke After a hiatus of several years, the Men’s Nine Hole Leagues from MountainView and SaddleBrooke One have again joined together for tournaments at each league’s course. There was a mixed scramble of players from both HOAs on each team who played on Tuesday, Feb. 20, at the MountainView course and on Wednesday, Feb.…
Tag: Men’s Niners
October 2023, Sports
Men’s Niners Membership Campaign Begins October 23

James Wetegrove, Publicity Chairman Why Join the Men’s Niners? * To golf in a friendly setting with new or existing friends * To learn more about the game in an easy, nine-hole format * To experience competitive fun with other golfers in our community Who Can Join? Membership in the Men’s Niners is available to…
Sports, September 2023
Men’s Niners Membership Campaign Begins October 23

James Wetegrove, Publicity Chairman Why Join the Men’s Niners? * To golf in a friendly setting with new or existing friends * Learn more about the game in an easy, nine-hole format * Experience competitive fun with other golfers in our community Who Can Join? Membership in the Men’s Niners is available to all male…
Sports, October 2020
Men’s 9ers 2021 Membership Campaign Begins October 21

Dick Cook, Publicity Chairman Why join the SaddleBrooke One’s Men’s Niners? 1. To golf in a friendly setting with new or existing friends 2. To learn more about the game in an easy 9-hole format 3. To experience competitive fun with other golfers in the community Who can join? Membership in the SaddleBrooke Men’s Nine…
Sports, September 2020
Men’s 9ers 2021 Membership Campaign Begins October 21

Dick Cook and James Wetegrove Why join the Saddlebrooke One Men’s Niners? 1. To golf in a friendly setting with new or existing friends 2. To learn more about the game in an easy 9-hole format 3. To experience competitive fun with other golfers in Community Who can join? Membership in the SaddleBrooke Men’s Nine Hole…
Sports, August 2020
Men’s Niners 2021 Membership Campaign Begins October 21

Dick Cook and James Wetegrove Why Join the SaddleBrooke HOA One Men’s Niners? 1. To golf in a friendly setting with new or existing friends 2. To learn more about the game in an easy 9-hole format 3. To experience competitive fun with other golfers in the community Who Can Join? Membership in the SaddleBrooke…