Tag: Institute for Learning in Retirement

ILR – Institute for Learning in Retirement

Louise Grabell

Meet the instructor Ken Marich The ILR is proud to have Louise Grabell as a faculty member. Louise was born in Brooklyn, New York and spent her youth in Long Island and in Queens. She earned a B.S. degree in Biology (1964) and a Master’s degree in Science Education (1967), both from Queens College. She…

ILR: Institute for Learning in Retirement

Laurie Brussel, artist, educator and ILR instructor

Meet the instructor – Laurie Brussel Ken Marich It is a pleasure to introduce you to Laurie Brussel, an artist, educator and an ILR instructor. Laurie was born in New York City and as a youngster moved with her family to Long Beach, New York, a small beach town. The natural beauty of this environment…

ILR – Institute for Learning in Retirement

Share our knowledge – teach an ILR class Ken Marich, ILR Board member All of us living in SaddleBrooke have interesting backgrounds and a lifelong set of experiences. Why not share your knowledge with your community? Have you ever taught a course based on your expertise and talent? Would you like to teach a course?…

Institute for Learning in Retirement

Punch Howarth

Meet the instructors Ken Marich The ILR is pleased to have Punch Howarth as a faculty member. His long history as a professional musician makes him well suited to teach musical courses in the ILR educational program. Punch was born in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. While attending Beaver Falls Junior High school he decided he wanted…

Institute for Learning in Retirement – April 2015

Meet the ILR instructors – Kenneth Lund Ken Marich The Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR) would like you to meet Ken Lund – the Viking warrior, wizard of the astronomical sky and instructor for the ILR. Ken was born in LaSalle-Peru, Illinois, in 1936. His father was a dairy farmer and Ken learned how…