Tag: health

Now available In-Home personal training

Gwen Lewis Do you not want to go to the gym to work out? Would you like the convenience and privacy of working out in your own home? Do you have a hard time getting out of the house or in and out the car, yet still want to live independently in your home? Are…

Volunteer opportunities available at upcoming Health Fair

Health Fair volunteers are ready for action in the green tee shirt that is worn proudly by volunteers.

Phyllis Ketring The SaddleBrooke Health Fair is scheduled for Saturday morning, October 17. This will be the eighteenth year for the popular event. The health fair brings SaddleBrooke residents together with medical and health providers in the area. Often residents discover issues that need attention during diagnostic tests or while meeting with providers to discuss…

Overcoming back pain

The American Chiropractic Association has recently published some interesting facts about back pain. 1. Lower back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. 2. One half of all working Americans have back pain symptoms each year. 3. Back pain is one of the most common conditions for missed work and doctor’s visits. 4.…

A strong multifidus helps spinal stability

Susan Dawson-Cook Most people give me puzzled looks when I talk about the multifidus muscles before they ask, “What’s that?” One of the smallest muscles in the body and also one of the most important, the multifidus is a muscle attaching to joint segments along the vertebrae near the spine’s midline. The multifidus muscles in…

Why personal training?

A Personal Trainer is a fitness professional involved in exercise prescription and instruction. They motivate clients by setting goals, provide feedback and accountability. Personal Trainers educate their clients in many aspects of wellness and exercise such as bone and joint health, strength, core, posture, balance, sports specific training, cardiovascular fitness, injury prevention, and recovery, stress…

The SilverSneakers fitness program

Ann Hamm The SilverSneakers program is a great way to add to your workout program. Did you know that there are about 3,000 SilverSneakers participants here in SaddleBrooke? You could have these wonderful benefits and not even know it. SilverSneakers is adding another strength 45 class. This class is a 45 minute muscle only, body…

Live like a centenarian

Susan Dawson-Cook The Blue Zones, 9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest highlights locales worldwide where high concentrations of people live to the ripe old age of 100 and beyond. Many live independently, are mentally agile and some even walk miles to the grocery or tend to crops or backyard gardens.…

Recreation Fair raffle winners

Gwen Lewis Thank you to all that came to visit the HOA2 Fitness Table at the Recreation Fair on January 24, 2015! The following are the winners of the raffle from the Recreation Fair: Professional Teeth Whitening: Mary Clark Round for two Golf at Robson Ranch: Barbara R. Sprouls Round for two Golf at Robson…

Wellness Symposium March 21st

Upcoming Events: We will be holding the second annual Integrative Wellness Symposium on March 21, 2015. This is very exciting as we will have Jonathan Tait, D.O. as our Keynote Speaker. He specializes in Medical Fitness, Functional Medicine, Nutrition and Sports Medicine. This same day we will have other health lectures as well as a…