Tag: Golf

Good Day to All SGWGA-18ers

Marsha Camp I want to apologize to last year’s Ace of Aces winner, Karen Wendlandt. She won Low Gross honors over the field with a score of 65, but her photo didn’t appear with her accolade. Our SBWGA-18 honoree is Nancy Wyllie. Although she grew up in Illinois, this Scottish Danish gal now considers herself…

State Medallion Winners

Eileen J. Snearly The MountainView Preserve Lady Niners sent qualifying teams to participate in the State Medallion golf tournament. Over 90 ladies from leagues across the state were entered in this annual event. Joyce Sutay and Susan Elliott won first place in their flight and second place overall. The MPLN are extremely proud of them.

Midge Mollenkoph – MPWGA’s 2019 Most Improved Player

Ann Lange Midge (Miller) Mollenkopf was awarded the MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) 2019 Most Improved Player (MIP). Her handicap decreased from 26.8 to 25, an improvement factor of 1.049. Throughout 2019, Midge routinely practiced all parts of her game and worked to increase her overall strength. She played over 70 rounds, with 32 on…

MV Lady Putters Annual Registration

Pat Morris New and returning Lady Putters arrived at the MountainView Ballroom on Jan. 16th for our annual registration meeting. We enjoyed greeting each other and having a cup of coffee. There was an orientation for new members and job sign-up tables for all the current putters. Each member is expected to volunteer for one committee or…

Monday Mixers Having Fun

Nicholas T. Mares There is still plenty of time to join this fun, casual putting group. Monday Mixers meets Mondays at 3 p.m. for practice. Putting starts at 3:30 p.m. and usually last about one hour. All are welcome. Come join the fun. For additional information contact the Truesdales at 346-225-3775 or the Carrs at…

The 2019 MPMGA Club Champion is Bruce Fink

Bob Edelblut On Nov. 11 and Nov. 14, the MountainView-Preserve Men’s Golf Association (MPMGA) held this year’s club championship. Most members would say that it is the number one Special Event of the year. It is always well attended and every golfer in the field secretly dreams of owning the trophy, of being the best…

SB Niners End of Year Luncheon

Dian Kupper The Niners celebrated the holiday season with an end of year luncheon in the Vistas. The purpose of the luncheon was to install our 2020 executive board and to award end of year awards and trophies. Trophies were presented to the President’s Cup winner, Janet Williams; Club Champion, Judy Schilling; and Founders Cup…

SBWGA-18 Honors the Old and Rings in the New

Marsha Camp Our 2020 board members hit the ground running and are busy implementing a new handicap system, innovative playday events, tantalizing luncheon menus, and many exciting experiences members don’t want to miss. You can be sure we’re in for the best year yet. Our president, Shellie Perce, has captained other golf associations and was…

The MPWGA Takes a Swing at Cancer

Check to UA Cancer Center. Left to right: Liz Benzie, Ironwood Dermatology, tournament sponsor; Sharon Marchione, MPWGA; Julie Bauman, Director UA Cancer Center; Chad Adams, Associate Director of Clinical Research, UA; Megan Guthrie, UA Cancer Center; Amy Marchione, Sparkle & Splash, Caddy Auction Sponsor; Betty Cole, MPWGA; Photo by Andrea Gray.

Ann Lange The MountainView/Preserve Women’s Golf Association (MPWGA) raised a record high $22,121 in support of the University of Arizona Cancer Center at its annual “Take a Swing at Cancer” tournament. The huge check, representing a huge heart-felt effort, was proudly presented on Dec. 17 in honor of the men, women, and children who are…