Stroke Neurological Support Group meeting notice

Esta Goldstein

Our focus the month of November is on the caregiver and your questions. We will engage in a roundtable discussion of your concerns by sharing individual experiences, concerns, and questions regarding all aspects of caregiving for someone with a neurological disorder. Hopefully, through this listening, learning will come from those who have had the experiences and suggestions will help address the needs not only for the caregivers but also to our loved ones.

Please come and join us for answers to help you during the difficult times.

We will meet on Friday, Nov. 15, from 10 a.m. to noon in room 2 of the Preserve Clubhouse.

For reservations, contact Marilyn Sellers at 520-818-0965 or if you are attending.

We will take a headcount of those who wish to stay for lunch from noon to 1 p.m. for continued conversation.

Questions? Contact Esta Goldstein at 520-825-1181.

The upcoming meetings will be held on Dec. 20, Jan. 17, and Feb. 21.