Stroke and Neurological Disorder Caregiver Support Group

Esta Goldstein

Attention Caregivers: We ask all those who are caregivers to a loved one suffering from various neurological disorders, dementia, Alzheimer’s, MS, ALS, stroke, Parkinson’s, PSP, and so many other brain dysfunction problems, to come join us at our meetings the third Friday of each month from 10 a.m. – noon at the Preserve Club Room 2.

Please join us. Learn how to overcome those stressful times and turn each day into an environment of joy and happiness for you and your loved one.

Our meeting this month on Feb. 21 will have Dr. James Bounds, Jr. as speaker. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Neurology, American Heart Association, and National Stroke Association. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona; completed his residency at Mayo Clinic, Rochester; and has a master’s of neuroscience from University of Minnesota. After practicing for 35 years with a specialty in neurology and stroke medicine, he just retired in 2019 and lives in SaddleBrooke. We are so honored to have him lead us in an informal question and answer discussion on these various brain disorders.

Contact Marilyn Sellers at 520-818-0965 or for your reservation.

Friday, Feb. 21st, 10 a.m. – noon, Preserve Club Rm. 2.

Other questions? Contact Esta Goldstein 520-825-1181.

Future meetings: March 20th, April 17th, and May 15th.