Rita Fletcher
Square Dancers from all over these United States gathered at the Yuma Civic Center for the 66th annual Valentine’s Square Dance Festival. The rooms were filled with laughing and fun while dancing. What a great way to stimulate your mind while getting exercise; a winning combination.
Over 40 dancers from the SaddleBrooke Squares Dance Club enjoyed Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday morning dancing to different callers that both challenged and delighted us. What is in Yuma, you may ask? Many found time to shop in Algodones, Mexico, walking in and out of the country without any problems or wait lines! Deals are to be had with fun bargaining, along with many choices of restaurants as well. Yuma has a wonderful river walk; the old town and the historic prison tour are additional options to squeeze in as well. Date Land is a great place to stop and shop.
The SaddleBrooke Square Dance Club is an active club with many opportunities for socials along with square dancing. April will see us at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base for a tour, dinner and dance. Before that is a scavenger hunt in SaddleBrooke. April is also our big graduation party for our new square dancers. Learning is fun and easy thanks to our resident professional caller Larry Kraber.
We are taking reservations now for our October free introduction to square dancing. Call Bonnie and Larry at 520-825-2678. Email them at lbkraber@msn.com. Check our website for more information: www.saddlebrookesquares.com. New dancers learn Sundays at 7:00 p.m. with a follow up workshop Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. The club also holds weekly dances Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. Dances are held in the spacious and comfortable MountainView Ballroom. So you can have your cake and eat it too as evening dancing will not interfere with your day time schedule. Please note, our dances end at 8:30 p.m. so you can still be rising and shining early the next day.
Live lively, square dance!