Clarance Johnson, SMGA 2015 Most Improved Golfer, is congratulated by Handicap Chair Rob Malik (left) and SMGA President Greg Tarr (right).
At the January Partner’s Event luncheon, Rob Malik, Handicap Chair, announced the 2015 SMGA Most Improved Player winner. Based on the handicap indexes as of January 1, 2016, compared to the indexes from January 1, 2015, our 2015 most improved golfer is Clarance Johnson. On January 1, 2015, Clarance was playing to an index of 15.3 but as of January 1, 2016, his index was 10.1, a handicap index improvement of 5.2 strokes.
The annual award for most improved golfer goes to the player in the SMGA whose posted scores generate the highest most improved factor over a minimum of 50 rounds during the year on the SaddleBrooke courses (SaddleBrooke, Tucson and Catalina). The most improved golfer standings, including details of the most improved factor formula, are posted monthly on the SMGA bulletin board in the Pro Shop computer posting room.
What makes this improvement even more noteworthy is that Clarance was not playing golf for an extended period this past year while recovering from surgery.
Congratulations to Clarance from all the SMGA membership.