Shawne Cryderman and Bob “Kosmo” Kramer welcome SaddleBrooke residents to join SPA during the RAC fair.
The annual Recreational Activities and Clubs Fair, held at the HOA 2 MountainView Country Club Ballroom and Saguaro Room on Saturday, January 30 was a huge success for many SaddleBrooke clubs and activities including the SaddleBrooke Pickleball Association. Many interested long time and new residents stopped by the SPA booth and, after talking with current pickleball players and viewing a video about playing the number one active adult sport in America, they were interested to learn more and signed up to take an introductory lesson. During the first two weeks of February, 50 newbies will spend one and a half hours learning the basics of the game and how to score plus be able to purchase a new paddle. They will then have the opportunity to become a member of SPA and enjoy all the benefits that come with SPA membership, which includes further instruction in the Assisted Play program, taught by Lois Violanti. Another chance to improve newly learned pickleball skills is available to all recreational and 2.0 skill level players when they attend the Advanced Assisted Play Lessons program, organized and orchestrated by Don Guillette, Kosmo Kramer and Jean Labovitch with a huge cadre’ of additional instructors. To learn more about taking introductory lessons and/or becoming a member of SPA, visit our website at spa.clubexpress.com or call 818-2690.